Inside the Air Force highlights

By Courtney Albon / October 28, 2016 at 11:54 AM

Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Air Force:

1. The F-35 joint program office is setting itself up organizationally to manage the transition from a focus on system development and demonstration to production and long-term sustainment.

Full story: JPO shifting resources, manpower to adapt to post-SDD environment

2. The Air Force and DARPA have signed a memorandum of agreement that will allow experiments and testing with a key small unmanned air vehical development effort.

Full story: Air Force, DARPA sign Gremlins MOU as service plans future of small UAV

3. The Air Force Scientific Advisory Board will examine the technologies and industrial capacity needed to support a new penetrating counterair capability as part one of its 2017 studies.

Full story: SECAF directs Penetrating Counterair Capability 'Technology Viability' study