The Army is seeking information on potential subsystems for the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle, according to a recent notice.
Key Issues B-52 RMP review F-35 upgrade package MQ-25 testing
Ashley Tressel was Inside the Army's managing editor until November 2020. She was previously a local news reporter in Northern California, covering government, crime and the deadly 2017 wildfires in Mendocino County. She has also worked as a legislative reporter for NPR member station WFSU in Tallahassee. A Florida native, she graduated from Florida State University.
The Army is seeking information on potential subsystems for the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle, according to a recent notice.
Maj. Gen. John Richardson assumed duties as deputy commanding general for operations of III Corps and acting senior commander of Ft. Hood, TX, this week to “enable continuity of command” as III Corps returns from leading the Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, the Army announced.
BAE Systems on Monday delivered the first low-rate initial production Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle to the Army, the company announced this morning.
The Defense Logistics Agency has chosen Elbit Systems of America to supply the Army with gunner hand stations, commander hand stations and circuit cards for the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Elbit announced today.
The Army is starting a small business innovation research pilot program to help increase the rate of fire of self-propelled howitzer systems.
The Long Range Precision Fires Cross-Functional Team's essential tasks for the Army's Project Convergence demonstration next month are to neutralize an air defense system and destroy a long-range artillery system, according to the CFT’s director.
The Army today announced the award of 10 other transaction agreements totaling $29.8 million for various parts of the Air Launched Effects effort to develop systems that will be launched from future vertical lift platforms.
The official in charge of the Army's Long Range Precision Fires Cross-Functional Team today said the service's plan to develop a Long Range Hypersonic Weapon prototype by 2023 is the quickest way to maintain combined arms overmatch, as it aims to engage in the fight with Russia and China.
The Army's most advanced Patriot interceptor appears to have misfired during a key test of the service's new air and missile defense system, requiring a back-up guided missile, an older Patriot variant, to chase and destroy a tactical ballistic missile target last week.
Army Space and Missile Defense Command will serve as the component command to U.S. Space Command, the Army announced today.
WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, NM -- While the Army prepares for delivery later this year of the first battery of the Israeli-made Iron Dome air defense system, the service is still considering whether it will be able to integrate the system with its Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System.
The Army today completed a successful live-fire test of the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System, or IBCS, at White Sands Missile Range, NM, that officials called "the most complex to date."
The Army is looking to make changes to the National Training Center in California to better prepare for potential conflict with Russia and China, according to a notice in today's Federal Register.
The Army this week is concluding the first soldier operational experiment for the Robotic Combat Vehicle effort to assess how it can integrate unmanned vehicles into ground combat formations.
The Army and its partner companies are making strides to build an industrial base for the service's future long-range, offensive hypersonic weapon, a service official said today. (UPDATED)
The Army is now conducting the second limited user test for the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System made by Northrop Grumman, a service official said today.
Raytheon Missiles and Defense and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems have signed a joint venture to build an Iron Dome air defense system production facility in the United States, the companies announced today.
The Army has awarded Northrop Grumman a contract to develop the next-generation airburst cartridge for the 30 mm Bushmaster Chain Gun to be used in up-gunned Stryker Brigade Combat Team fleets, the company announced this month.
BAE Systems has won a $33 million contract to further develop the Army's Long Range Precision Guidance Kit for 155 mm artillery shells, the company announced today.
BAE Systems has won an award via other transaction authority to prototype hybrid electric drives for Army combat vehicles in an effort to reduce costs, the service announced yesterday.