The Army's vice chief of staff says data standardization is one of his top priorities and that the Army is "all in" on the joint all-domain command and control effort led by the Air Force.
Ashley Tressel was Inside the Army's managing editor until November 2020. She was previously a local news reporter in Northern California, covering government, crime and the deadly 2017 wildfires in Mendocino County. She has also worked as a legislative reporter for NPR member station WFSU in Tallahassee. A Florida native, she graduated from Florida State University.
The Army's vice chief of staff says data standardization is one of his top priorities and that the Army is "all in" on the joint all-domain command and control effort led by the Air Force.
The Army has decided to stretch Joint Light Tactical Vehicle procurement by three years, ending in 2042, to fund other priorities, such as the Bradley vehicle replacement.
The Army is projecting it will buy 1,018 Precision Strike Missiles for $1 billion across the fiscal year 2021 future years defense program.
The Army is proposing over the fiscal year 2021 future years defense plan to cancel 41 programs and reduce or delay 39 that do not support the National Defense Strategy to free up $13.5 billion to fund its modernization priorities, according to the service's budget request released today.
For the second time, the Army is opening the competition for the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle, releasing today a new market survey tied to a minimally prescriptive wish list and a strategy that shifts most of the initial cost burden to the service, in a bid to regain industry's trust after a faulty start.
The Army this week released a request for proposals for a lethality upgrade on the Stryker vehicle called the Stryker Medium Caliber Weapon System.
The Army expects BAE Systems' delivery of the first low-rate initial production Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle in March, which reflects a two-month delay that "will have a significant effect on the remaining test schedule," according to the Pentagon's top weapons tester.
GM Defense announced yesterday it has teamed with Ricardo Defense on the Infantry Squad Vehicle for the Army.
The U.S. Court of Federal Claims has dismissed Navistar Defense's complaint in which the company accused the Army of violating the "automatic stay" requirements of the Competition in Contracting Act in procuring vehicles as part of the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles program.
The director of the Army's long-range precision fires cross-functional team said last week the first prototype of the Extended Range Cannon Artillery platform at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ, is "nearly assembled."
The Army has awarded BAE Systems a $400.9 million contract modification for 160 Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicles, the Defense Department announced yesterday.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville today said the Army will do more in the future to negotiate with industry on requirements for the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle program, which the service canceled last week in its prototype phase.
Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said this week the Army gets a smaller slice of the spending pie than the other services, contributing to a public discussion by service leaders about who deserves more funding.
The Army today canceled the current Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle program and plans to restart the competition later, at a time yet to be determined, following an analysis and revision of the requirements.
The Army's efforts to aid and train in the Indo-Pacific region have bolstered partnerships with those countries, who are seeking to develop their own concepts for great power competition, service Secretary Ryan McCarthy said today.
The Army plans to award in mid-February other transaction agreements to QinetiQ North America and Textron to build four Robotic Combat Vehicles each, the service announced today.
The Army last week delivered to Ft. Sill, OK, the first three of 30 Leader Follower vehicles to be sent over this month. The 5th Transportation Company, 100th Brigade Support Battalion will now begin training with and evaluating the systems.
The Army has canceled an industry day for the Extended Range Cannon Artillery Increment 2 program, the service announced today.
The Army has released a request for information on testing support for hypersonic weapons, specifically "the current, new, and evolving Hypersonic Test Engineering, Mission Planning and Systems (HyTEMPS) requirements."
Alexis Ross, formerly the deputy assistant secretary of the Army for strategy and acquisition reform, has moved to the Office of the Secretary of Defense to serve as a deputy chief of staff.