Briana Reilly

Briana Reilly was a Pentagon emerging tech reporter until December 2022. She previously covered the Air Force for Inside Defense after joining the publication in June 2021. Before that, she spent five years covering state politics and government in Wisconsin for The Capital Times and

Archived Articles
Daily News | September 22, 2021

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD -- Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Brown wants the service to move toward conducting airborne moving target indications from space, as officials seek to replace the aging fleet of E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft.

Daily News | September 22, 2021

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD -- Raytheon is aiming to start delivering a set of upgraded Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles to the Air Force in January 2023, after officials faced technology refresh issues tied to an obsolescence upgrade.

Daily News | September 21, 2021

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD -- As part of his review of the Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System, service Secretary Frank Kendall is diving into the contract vehicles tied to the effort’s first capability release, leaving the program’s cross-functional team lead unsure of whether “all three [are] going to survive as we designed them.”

Daily News | September 20, 2021

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD -- The Air Force is seeking to hold a flying demonstration for an amphibious capability tied to the C-130J cargo plane in the latter part of calendar year 2022, the head of Air Force Special Operations Command said today.

Daily News | September 20, 2021

The Air Force’s top armament official said he doesn’t expect the service’s Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon will need to undergo a complete redesign in the wake of continued testing setbacks, though the root cause of the latest issue is still unknown.

Daily News | September 20, 2021

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD -- Citing industry readiness and anticipated congressional support, the head of the Air Force’s Special Operations Command said today "there’s a good likelihood" the armed overwatch program will transition to procurement in fiscal year 2022.  

Daily News | September 14, 2021

The cost estimate for the first operational capability tied to the Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System, which officials previously said would be completed by the end of June, is not yet finalized -- a delay that comes as the service continues to work on overhauling its approach to the program.

Daily News | September 13, 2021

Air Force officials anticipate they will set a new schedule baseline for the Air Force One replacement program in "late 2021," though a service spokeswoman declined to share details on what the new timeline could look like, citing "ongoing discussions."

Daily News | September 9, 2021

PALMDALE, CA -- Northrop Grumman subsidiary Scaled Composites has unveiled a new concept for the Model 437, an unmanned aircraft that officials hope could have a future as part of a broader family of systems or serve as a candidate for the Air Force's Skyborg program.

Daily News | September 8, 2021

PALMDALE, CA -- Northrop Grumman announced today it has demonstrated a data link to enable long-range command and control, a feature company officials say could boost the Defense Department's efforts to connect sensors from across the services into a single network.

Daily News | September 7, 2021

While the Air Force's timeline for entering low-rate initial production tied to a new arming and fuzing assembly for intercontinental ballistic missiles is still slated to begin in fiscal year 2022, a service spokeswoman said full-rate production is now not expected to start until FY-24. (UPDATED)

The Insider | September 3, 2021

The U.S. and Indian air forces have agreed to work together to develop air-launched unmanned aerial vehicles, a move that officials say represents the first co-development project between the two countries under their bilateral defense cooperation framework.

Daily News | September 2, 2021

The Space Force is moving forward with an analysis of alternatives on future narrowband satellite communications in fiscal year 2022 and has set aside $12 million for the effort, defense officials indicated in a Government Accountability Office report released publicly today.

The Insider | September 2, 2021

Nicolas Chaillan, the Air Force's chief software officer, announced today that he's resigning from the post he's held for the last two-and-a-half years.

Daily News | September 1, 2021

The House Armed Services Committee is seeking to bar the Space Force's acquisition executive from establishing a program of record unless officials determine there are no commercial alternatives currently available, under an amendment lawmakers adopted today during the panel's marathon mark-up of the fiscal year 2022 defense policy bill.

Daily News | September 1, 2021

In the opening hour of the House Armed Service Committee's marathon defense policy bill mark-up, lawmakers signed off on an amendment that would direct officials to notify congressional defense panels if they determine China's nuclear stockpile outpaces that of the United States.

Daily News | August 30, 2021

While the Air Force is seeking to halt the procurement of MQ-9 Reapers in its fiscal year 2022 budget request, the House Armed Services Committee's chairman's mark instead aims to direct the service to add six of the drones to its inventory.

Daily News | August 26, 2021

The House Armed Services Committee wants the Air Force to ensure its Advanced Battle Management System doesn’t waste resources and fields capabilities that fit into the Defense Department's broader command and control effort, as lawmakers recommended cutting back the program's funding in their fiscal year 2022 chairman’s mark. 

Daily News | August 25, 2021

House authorizers are seeking to block the Air Force from awarding a procurement contract for its new nuclear cruise missile until officials share updated cost information with lawmakers, according to a new document obtained by Inside Defense.

The Insider | August 24, 2021

The Air Force has released a second request for information surrounding the Next Generation Aerial Target as officials are poised to again consider potential development of the fifth-generation training and testing tool.

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