The White House today announced President Bush will nominate Victoria Clarke for the position of Defense Department spokeswoman and William Haynes to be the DOD general counsel.
Key Issues B-52 RMP review F-35 upgrade package MQ-25 testing
The White House today announced President Bush will nominate Victoria Clarke for the position of Defense Department spokeswoman and William Haynes to be the DOD general counsel.
Most users of the Defense Department's $3.7 billion Standard Procurement System are "fundamentally dissatisfied" with it, according to the DOD inspector general.
The Army has named Joseph Westphal its acting secretary, the service announced this week.
Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), a member of the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services committees, today requested a formal investigation of the case of Navy Lt. Cmdr. Michael Speicher, who was shot down during the Persian Gulf War in 1991 and presumed dead.
The president has picked Peter Aldridge, a former Air Force secretary, to serve as under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, the White House announced today.
In his first national security directive, President Bush has abolished his predecessor's system of National Security Council working groups and replaced them with eleven committees that will oversee key policy areas for the new administration.
Army and Air Force commanders in Europe have made "great progress" implementing lessons learned from the controversial deployment of Task Force Hawk to Albania in 1999, according to a new report.
The Defense Department may be subject to "a higher risk of compromise" because its process of granting security clearances to defense contractors does not meet the requirements laid out in a 1995 executive order, according to a new report.
The Air Force may be unable to deliver on its plans to deploy a satellite system considered crucial to Pentagon missile defense systems, according to a new report.
Northrop Grumman announced today that it has received a $300 million contract to provide its Multirole Electronically Scanned Array radar to Australia as part of the country's airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) program, called Project Wedgetail.
Poor management and accounting of military blood supplies could impact the Pentagon's ability to fight unless changes are made soon, according to a new report.
The Defense Science Board is at work on several new studies, including an analysis of chemical warfare defense issues and a look at precision weapons targeting, according to terms of reference obtained by
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice today named National Defense University professor Robert Joseph as special assistant to the president and senior director for proliferation strategy, counterproliferation and homeland defense, according to a White House announcement.
The Navy yesterday awarded two companies separate contracts for satellite communications improvements, according to a Defense Department announcement.
Israel has signed a letter of offer and acceptance for the purchase of nine AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopters, Boeing said yesterday.
The Air Force today used an unmanned aircraft and an Army missile to hit a tank target during a first-of-its-kind test, according to service sources.
In response to a flood of protests, the Bush administration has suspended until July 19 a federal acquisition final rule intended to ensure the government does not contract with lawbreakers, according to a document signed Jan. 31 by General Services Administration senior procurement executive David Drabkin.
The Navy today awarded Ingalls Shipbuilding a $105.5 million contract for the "repair and restoration" of the Cole destroyer, which was damaged by a bomb blast last year.
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (MS) said today he hopes the Senate can wrap up the fiscal year 2002 defense spending and authorization bills by July 4.
Three days before the Defense Acquisition Board is scheduled to review the Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle program's readiness for engineering and manufacturing development, the Air Force today awarded Northrop Grumman an $84 million "pre-EMD" contract, according to a Defense Department announcement.