U.S. Army Special Operations Command is pursuing a new light ground vehicle as it eyes gaps in its ground mobility capabilities, according to a top service official.
U.S. Army Special Operations Command is pursuing a new light ground vehicle as it eyes gaps in its ground mobility capabilities, according to a top service official.
The Army today asked Congress for a fiscal year 2012 base budget of $145 billion, plus $71 billion for war costs, seeking a significant plus-up for aviation programs and requesting $884 million to develop the Ground Combat Vehicle.
The Army plans to reinvest a portion of the $29 billion in efficiencies it has identified over the next five years in efforts to bolster its manned and unmanned aviation assets, according to top Defense Department officials.
The Defense Department today announced $29 billion in Army efficiencies over the next five years, canceling several programs and shifting savings to the modernization and fielding of key vehicle, aviation and communications assets.
A significant contract award for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system has been delayed due to ongoing contract negotiations between the Defense Department and contractor Lockheed Martin, according to an industry official.
The Army has awarded Boeing an engineering and manufacturing development contract for its Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System, according to a Defense Department notice.
The Army has deployed a second Gray Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle quick-reaction capability to theater, following a QRC1 set sent to Iraq last year, according to a service official.
The Army has awarded a low-rate initial production contract for its Apache Block III remanufacture program following a September milestone C decision, according to a service official.
The role of unmanned aerial vehicles in counter-improvised explosive device operations in theater will continue to grow, while the use of unmanned ground sensors has proven largely ineffective in the fight, according to a top Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization official.
The Army has recommended killing the Surface-Launched Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile program, according to the National Guard Association, which opposes the move.
The Army aims to transition more unmanned system development to sustainable programs of record as the Defense Department anticipates reductions in future overseas contingency operations budgets, according to a service official.
A Raytheon-Boeing team competing for the Joint Air to Ground Missile believes Raytheon's recent win in the Small Diameter Bomb II could pay dividends for the Pentagon if the team is selected to build JAGM.
The Army has awarded Northrop Grumman a five-year contract to develop the Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle, bringing the service one step closer to a combat hybrid airship capable of persistent intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance in theater.
The Army must shift focus from its operational force to the generating force to ensure the future production of agile, flexible leadership necessary to win conflicts, according to its top official.
Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter has recertified the Army's Apache Block III program following an April "critical" Nunn-McCurdy breach, splitting the helicopter effort into two distinct major defense acquisition programs.
The Army’s Integrated Battle Command System is ready to enter the design phase, after contractor Northrop Grumman announced the successful completion of an Interim Design Review for the program.
As equipment returns from Iraq, the Army is expecting a significant increase in equipment reset requirements -- particularly for trucks, according to a service official.
The Defense Acquisition Board yesterday approved a milestone C decision for the Army's Extended Range/Multipurpose System -- also known as Sky Warrior -- moving the unmanned aircraft system into low-rate initial production, service officials said today.
The Army's fiscal year 2011 budget reflects the service's commitment to buy more aircraft as it seeks to add two combat aviation brigades, according to an Army official.