The Army has asked Congress to slow the pace at which the service must purchase and field the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2, the cruise missile defense system that would interface with the rest of the military's network and radars.
The Army has asked Congress to slow the pace at which the service must purchase and field the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2, the cruise missile defense system that would interface with the rest of the military's network and radars.
The Army is interested in anti-idle technology that could be available for the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle follow-on contract, according to a market survey the service released June 7.
The Mobile Protected Firepower program was able to reduce its planned costs by roughly $40 million over the past year through competition and efficient program management, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.
Army leaders might have to consider allocating a greater share of funding to research and procurement in future years if the service does not receive a higher topline budget to complete its modernization programs, a senior official told lawmakers June 7.
Oshkosh Defense won the competition to produce the Medium Caliber Weapon System, a 30 mm cannon for the Stryker combat vehicle, the Army announced today.
Funding for the Next Generation Combat Vehicle Cross-Functional Team's programs was mostly preserved in the fiscal year 2022 budget request released May 28 by the Biden administration, especially for programs that are still in development.
Lockheed Martin conducted its second flight test beyond 135 kilometers of an extended-range version of the Army's Guided Multiple Rocket Launch System on May 27, the company announced Tuesday.
The Army wants to cut its spending on 155 mm artillery rounds to $174 million in fiscal year 2022, down from the $306.3 million Congress appropriated for FY-21.
The Army would cut funding for its M1 Abrams main battle tanks and related ground vehicles under the fiscal year 2022 budget request released May 28 by the Biden administration.
Some of the Army's newest ground vehicles would have their funding slashed under the fiscal year 2022 budget request released today by the Biden administration, as the Army seeks to cut procurement costs while protecting modernization funding.
The Army has taken delivery of all eight purpose-built Robotic Combat Vehicle prototypes that it ordered last year, the service announced today.
Each battalion of the Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense will include 40 M-SHORAD vehicles, along with roughly 270 additional ground vehicles and trailers, according to a programmatic environmental assessment for M-SHORAD fielding.
The Army will work with industry to improve vehicle protection systems and the ways that industry develops those systems, the service announced today.
The Army plans to upgrade and expand facilities at the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin, CA, to reflect the greater distances that brigade combat teams have to manage due to force structure and strategy changes in recent years, according to a draft environmental impact statement released May 21.
The Army needs predictable funding to fully develop its new air and missile defense systems, and the service cannot take on significant new responsibilities without more resources, the head of the service's Space and Missile Defense Command said today.
REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL -- The Army needs consistent sustainment funding to build up prepositioned stocks and supply lines in the Indo-Pacific and other parts of the world, an official with Army Materiel Command said in an interview last month.
The Army has invested $24 billion in a new priority of 30 programs considered "key enablers" that are directly tied to the service's top modernization efforts, Lt. Gen. James Pasquarette, deputy chief of staff (G-8), said last week.
The Army's experiments with soldiers and Robotic Combat Vehicles are "mythbusting" the ways that robots will and will not change the battlefield, Maj. Gen. Ross Coffman, the director of the Next Generation Combat Vehicle Cross-Functional Team, told Inside Defense in a May 5 interview.
The Army's upcoming Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon will have a range of "at least" 2,775 kilometers, or about 1,724 miles, a service spokesman confirmed to Inside Defense May 12.
The Precision Strike Missile flew 400 kilometers in a May 12 flight test at the White Sands Missile Range, NM, the farthest that PrSM has flown so far, Lockheed Martin announced.