The Defense Department announced this afternoon that a Navy admiral will be nominated to succeed Air Force Gen. Robert Kehler as the head of U.S. Strategic Command.
Key Issues OCX ACV fielding USAF 'reoptimization' planning
The Defense Department announced this afternoon that a Navy admiral will be nominated to succeed Air Force Gen. Robert Kehler as the head of U.S. Strategic Command.
Following the release of a trio of draft requests for proposals over the last several months, Air Force officials intend to solicit formal bids for the Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar acquisition program in August, according to the 3DELRR program manager.
The Obama administration has objected to a variety of provisions in the version of the fiscal year 2014 defense authorization bill being considered by the House this week, among them limits on the president's authority in the realm of nuclear policy.
A member of the Senate Armed Services Committee has drawn up an amendment to the panel's fiscal year 2014 defense authorization bill that would freeze some force structure changes proposed by the Air Force and already approved by Congress until next summer.
The Joint Strike Fighter program this week conducted its first in-air missile release, F-35 officials announced in a statement today.
Air Force officials hope to divest themselves of one category of Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected vehicles in the inventory today and take ownership of several kinds of MRAPs the Marine Corps is doing away with -- money-permitting -- to meet an enduring requirement for MRAPs that a high-level Air Force board approved last year.
Air Force officials today publicly described their expectations of what capabilities the service's F-35A aircraft must include at the time of initial operational capability, which is planned for late 2016.
A new and highly detailed Selected Acquisition Report on the Joint Strike Fighter reveals that F-35 engine cost growth in 2012 is the result of the program office's accidental allocation of some cost to the JSF aircraft program instead of to the F135 engine, the cost of which is calculated separately.
The Defense Department estimates the Joint Strike Fighter program's total acquisition cost at $391 billion -- a drop of $4.5 billion from last year's projection, according to a new report.
The Defense Department's latest Selected Acquisition Report for the Joint Strike Fighter shows a $4.5 billion drop in the program's total price, to $391 billion, as of the end of 2012, according to press reports.
Kansas and New Hampshire lawmakers announced today, and the Air Force confirmed in a statement released this afternoon, that Pease Air National Guard Base, NH, and McConnell Air Force Base, KS, have been selected to host the service's new KC-46 tankers.
The Air Force and the United Launch Alliance this week put the service's fourth Global Positioning System IIF satellite into orbit with a successful launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL.
A fix for a longstanding Joint Strike Fighter deficiency related to lightning protection should be installed on all future F-35 aircraft beginning with the seventh lot of low-rate production, according to a Lockheed Martin executive.
Air Force and Defense Department personnel are looking within the DOD budget and are having discussions with Congress about adding funding for two more CV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft to the service's budget, most likely in fiscal year 2014, two Air Force acquisition officials said today.
The Air Force hopes to pull small amounts of funding from dozens of procurement and development programs and use the money -- totaling about $2 billion -- to close a funding shortfall in warfighting expenses for the rest of fiscal year 2013, according to a draft Pentagon reprogramming request.
Ahead of a summer decision to move into more advanced developmental engineering, Air Force officials estimate that a focused attempt to develop commonality between the service's intercontinental ballistic missile fuze modernization program and the Navy's own fuze program could lead to more than $2 billion in cost avoidance.
Officials at Air Mobility Command are close to completing software that would allow the Air Force to simulate an in-flight refueling process, which could let AMC reduce the number of costly live flights needed to train pilots and crew members.
Michael Donley, the longest-serving secretary in the history of the Air Force, will step down from that position on June 21, the service announced today.
Leading defense contractor Lockheed Martin believes sequestration will result in about $825 million less in sales this year, its chief financial officer said today.
A senior Air Force official told today that the service is on or ahead of schedule on several processes required under the follow-on Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia while awaiting an important decision on the Defense Department's future ballistic missile force structure.