F-35 Joint Strike Fighter prime contractor Lockheed Martin told InsideDefense.com today that the suspension on the delivery of Pratt & Whitney F135 engines has been removed.
Key Issues B-52 RMP review F-35 upgrade package MQ-25 testing
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter prime contractor Lockheed Martin told InsideDefense.com today that the suspension on the delivery of Pratt & Whitney F135 engines has been removed.
Pratt & Whitney, the sole supplier of engines for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has purged its inventory of titanium from a key supplier after concerns were raised in May over the origin of the material.
Pratt & Whitney believes it is getting closer to solving a mechanical issue that caused an Air Force F-35A fighter jet to catch fire at Eglin Air Force Base, FL, in June.
The Air Force's vice chief of staff has approved a replacement strategy for the service's 40-year-old UH-1N Huey fleet that would involve replacing the outdated aircraft with retired Army UH-60A Black Hawk utility helicopters.
The Air Force's vice chief of staff has approved a replacement strategy for the service's 40-year-old UH-1N Huey fleet that would involve replacing the outdated aircraft with retired Army UH-60A Black Hawk utility helicopters.
The Pentagon on Tuesday declined to discuss reports suggesting that the Obama administration has authorized surveillance flights over Syria, a move that would mark a significant escalation in the air campaign against Islamic State militants across the border in Iraq.
The Air Force has selected Moody Air Force Base in Georgia to host an A-29 Super Tucano aircraft schoolhouse for Afghan Air Force personnel, the service said on Aug. 22.
Air Combat Command has loaned a Block 40 RQ-4B Global Hawk to the 412th Test Wing at Edwards Air Force Base, CA, to support testing activities there.
The Air Force has put Northrop Grumman on contract for one final order of remotely piloted RQ-4B aircraft, bringing the service a step closer to satisfying its total requirement and ending Global Hawk production.
The Government Accountability Office has stalled another Air Force Network-Centric Solutions-II contracting vehicle due to flaws in the source-selection process, putting on hold 12 indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contracts worth up to $5.7 billion in total while the service makes a new award decision.
The State Department has confirmed that site preparations at Iraq's Balad Air Base for the delivery of the country's first F-16 fighter jets have been placed on hold as the scheduled delivery date nears and the security situation in the country worsens.
Saudi Arabia wants to upgrade the mission computing systems of its five E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft to the Block 40/45 configuration -- a decision that could help lower the total cost of the upgrade for the United States, France and Japan.
Boeing has been contracted to upgrade 13 NATO Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft, the company announced this week. The upgrades are due to be delivered through 2018, by which time the NATO fleet will draw down from 17 to 14 aircraft, which includes the one aircraft currently undergoing modernization and testing.
Army Materiel Command is monitoring a fixed-wing aircraft support contract with L-3 Communications after the company disclosed accounting misconduct within its aerospace systems division to shareholders, an AMC spokeswoman said this week.
The Government Accountability Office is urging the Air Force to re-do a key aspect of the source-selection process for one category of Network-Centric Solutions II contracts, awarded in March and collectively worth about $5.8 billion.
As the United States responds to a growing number of crises sprouting up across Africa, Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe, the demand for quick-reaction aerial refueling is keeping members of the 100th Air Refueling Wing at Royal Air Force Mildenhall in England busy.
The outgoing head of Air Combat Command this week questioned the public's "love affair" with unmanned aircraft and talked up the capability of the manned U-2 spy plane, which the Air Force wants to retire.
Australia has become the fourth nation in the Joint Strike Fighter program to receive production F-35 fighter jets following a rollout ceremony for the first two aircraft at the JSF final assembly facility in Fort Worth, TX, July 24.
The Air Force Scientific Advisory Board is scheduled to brief service Secretary Deborah Lee James on the preliminary findings of its three fiscal year 2014 studies on July 25, according to a defense official with knowledge of the process.
Senate appropriators have moved to block the delivery of two C-130 tactical airlifters to the Afghan Air Force after the United States' top investigator in Afghanistan found the two C-130s the organization already has are underutilized.