Jason Sherman

Jason Sherman is a reporter for Inside Defense. For more than two decades -- including stints with Defense News and Armed Forces Journal -- he has covered the Pentagon, defense industry, the military budget, weapon system acquisition and defense policy formulation as well as reporting on technology, business, and global arms trade. Jason has traveled to more than 40 countries, studied medieval history at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and lives in Brooklyn.

Archived Articles
Daily News | July 13, 2007

The Army expects to begin taking delivery next month of dozens of blast-proof trucks, setting the stage for the early fall delivery of nearly 200 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles to troops in Baghdad, according to Pentagon officials.

Daily News | July 13, 2007

The Marine Corps today awarded a $518 million contract to Armor Holdings to build 1,170 Mine Resistant Ambush protected vehicles, a move that adds a fourth major manufacturer to the Pentagon's campaign to rush the blast-proof vehicles to Iraq.

Daily News | July 12, 2007

The Army is refining its estimates for fiscal year 2008 war spending needs to pay for things not factored into the proposal submitted to Congress in February, including additional troops in Iraq and thousands of new Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, according to a senior service official.

Daily News | July 10, 2007

Production rates for the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle are on pace to yield by this December less than half of what Marine Corps officials had expected U.S. companies to produce each month.

Daily News | July 6, 2007

The Pentagon has slashed the number of programs deemed to be of the "highest national defense urgency" -- a designation that provides priority access to materials and commodities that may be in short supply -- in order to ensure the most pressing U.S. military industrial needs are being met.

Daily News | July 5, 2007

The Pentagon wants to slash $500 million from a handful of major Army and Air Force weapon system programs and shift the money to higher priorities, including more funding for the National Guard, short-range missile defense capabilities and classified Air Force programs.

Daily News | July 5, 2007

Top Pentagon budget and program officials have directed the military services to prepare spending proposals to finance Iraq and Afghanistan operations as well as other "global war on terror" activities through fiscal year 2009, which will span the last days of the Bush administration and the early months of the next administration.

Daily News | July 3, 2007

To ensure it can buy every Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle that industry is capable of producing, the Defense Department is considering shifting hundreds of millions of dollars in the coming weeks to pump more cash into coffers used to place orders for additional blast-resistant vehicles.

Daily News | July 2, 2007

The Pentagon is preparing to launch a new competition for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles capable of stopping explosively formed penetrators, effectively opening the field to new manufacturers in a race for a piece of the possible $20 billion-plus blast-resistant vehicle program that since January has been limited to a handful of companies.

Daily News | June 29, 2007

A high-level Pentagon panel avoided locking the Army into a long-term, and very expensive, commitment to acquire all of the entire 17,700 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles sought by commanders in Baghdad, opting instead to back aggressive near-term acquisition strategy coupled with periodic reviews of the situation in Iraq to curtail purchases as conditions permit.

Daily News | June 28, 2007

The Pentagon today handed down what could be one of the last Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle production orders until October, awarding BAE Systems a $212 million production contract for 441 blast-resistant personnel carriers, a move that effectively sets up three manufacturers to build the bulk of the new armored fleet purchased to date.

Daily News | June 27, 2007

One of the U.S. military's most senior officers is concerned that the intense focus on acquiring a new fleet of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles designed to protect against the blast effects of roadside bombs has created an unrealistic expectation that everyone who rides in one will be protected from a catastrophic hit.

Daily News | June 26, 2007

Army inventors have fabricated and fielded a new armor kit that protects vehicles from the blast effects of explosively formed penetrators -- the armor-piercing roadside bombs used against U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to government officials and documents.

Daily News | June 25, 2007

Pentagon leaders are expected to nail down the size of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle program this week by validating an Army requirement for thousands of additional blast-proof vehicles, a move expected to generate a request to Congress for billions of additional dollars in the fiscal year 2008 supplemental request.

Daily News | June 15, 2007

The Defense Department is preparing a $30.6 million security assistance package for Lebanon -- nearly triple the size of similar aid provided last year -- to enhance Beirut's armed forces, which for the past month have battled al-Qaeda-style extremists barricaded in a Palestinian refugee camp near Tripoli.

Daily News | June 15, 2007

The Defense Department is considering diverting a portion of the 2,800 Mine Resistant Ambush vehicles ordered by the Marine Corps to the Army, a course correction that could provide blast-resistant vehicles to parts of Iraq where roadside bombs present the greatest threat to U.S. personnel, according to Pentagon officials.

Daily News | June 13, 2007

The first round of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle testing is nearly complete, setting the stage for the Marine Corps to place orders for $2 billion worth of the blast-resistant vehicles with contract awards that could influence the landscape of the tactical wheeled industrial base, according to defense officials and financial analysts.

Daily News | June 13, 2007

L-3 Communications and Italian aircraft maker Alenia Aeronautica today won the Army and Air Force Joint Cargo Aircraft program competition, securing a contract to build 78 aircraft over the next six years in a deal worth $2 billion, the Pentagon said in an announcement.

Daily News | June 12, 2007

NEW YORK -- Bell Helicopter Textron has agreed to pay for some of the cost growth in the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program as part of its proposal to turn around the troubled development effort, which has suffered significant price increases and schedule delays, according to a company executive.

Daily News | June 11, 2007

A key congressional defense committee has denied the Pentagon's request for funding to implement the recommendations of the Strategic Communications Execution Roadmap, a spin-off from last year's Quadrennial Defense Review and a priority of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

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