Jason Sherman

Jason Sherman is a reporter for Inside Defense. For more than two decades -- including stints with Defense News and Armed Forces Journal -- he has covered the Pentagon, defense industry, the military budget, weapon system acquisition and defense policy formulation as well as reporting on technology, business, and global arms trade. Jason has traveled to more than 40 countries, studied medieval history at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and lives in Brooklyn.

Archived Articles
Daily News | January 19, 2006

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is preparing to issue a new National Defense Strategy designed to better account for a long war against terrorists and set forth new Pentagon thinking about how the military plans to surge forces to simultaneously defend the homeland, fight a major conventional war and carry out stability operations.

Daily News | January 18, 2006

The Defense Department is preparing to invest combatant commanders with unprecedented authority to influence the shape of the military services' budgets in a bid to ensure the Pentagon provides the capabilities most relevant to the needs of front-line forces.

Daily News | January 17, 2006

The Defense Department this month will simulate a devastating nuclear terrorist attack against Charleston, SC, in a repeat of an exercise held last summer.

Daily News | January 17, 2006

An influential advisory panel to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is launching an ambitious campaign to identify technology areas that could point the way to the development of a new generation of weapon systems tailored to defeat irregular forces.

Daily News | January 13, 2006

The Office of the Secretary of Defense is putting the finishing touches on the 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review report, which is scheduled to be shipped to the printer next Wednesday in order to be delivered to Congress on Feb. 6, according to Pentagon officials.

Daily News | January 12, 2006

The Defense Department will begin work this year on a next-generation long-range strike aircraft, accelerating its bomber modernization plans by nearly two decades in an effort to quickly enhance the Air Force's effectiveness across the Asia-Pacific region.

Daily News | January 12, 2006

The Army announced today it is terminating Lockheed Martin's $879 million system design and development contract for the Aerial Common Sensor program.

Daily News | January 10, 2006

The Defense Department is launching eight follow-on assessments of the nearly complete Quadrennial Defense Review, aiming to continue examining a wide range of key issues addressed over the last 10 months, according to Pentagon officials and documents.

Daily News | January 9, 2006

The Defense Department plans to accelerate retirement of key Air Force aircraft, including nearly half the B-52 bomber force and the full U-2 spy plane and F-117 stealth fighter fleets, in a bid to save $2.6 billion and boost spending for the services' prized F-22A fighter aircraft program.

Daily News | January 4, 2006

The U.S. military and the Tanzanian People's Defense Force share a unique link, one that Adm. Edmund Giambastiani, the Pentagon's No. 2 officer, recently deemed important enough to bring to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's attention.

Daily News | January 3, 2006

The Pentagon handed down 11th-hour budget cuts after Christmas last week, slashing $4 billion from the Army and Navy and plowing $3.5 billion into a wide range of new initiatives, many of which are designed to support combatant commanders.

Daily News | January 2, 2006

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is summoning his top military and civilian leaders from around the world to Washington next week to discuss the final shape of the Quadrennial Defense Review.

Daily News | December 23, 2005

U.S. plans to transfer eight decommissioned Navy warships to foreign militaries will net federal coffers as much as $32 million between fiscal years 2006 and 2007, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Daily News | December 23, 2005

Kenneth Krieg, the Pentagon's acquisition executive, has directed the Defense Department's procurement community to comply with a congressional mandate that the services consider survivability against asymmetric threats in designing manned weapon systems.

Daily News | December 22, 2005

Pentagon budget officials are racing to put the finishing touches on the fiscal year 2007 defense budget request while observers wonder if 11th-hour cuts will materialize before the Christmas holiday, as they did last year.

Daily News | December 21, 2005

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Warner (R-VA) and five other Republican senators have written President Bush to oppose tens of billions of dollars in possible cuts to Pentagon weapon modernization accounts.

Daily News | December 20, 2005

The head of U.S. Strategic Command wants to streamline the wide array of ballistic missile defense sensors and command and control tools in order to improve operational control of such defenses.

Daily News | December 19, 2005

The Defense Department is preparing to advance a new war planning strategy that retains the requirement to fight two major conflicts but includes refinements designed to prepare the military to deal with homeland defense and the global war on terrorism, according to Pentagon officials.

Daily News | December 16, 2005

The head of U.S. Strategic Command wants to enhance a new suite of capabilities that do not involve dropping bombs -- either conventional or nuclear -- and which are effective in deterring adversaries, particularly terrorist networks and violent extremists.

Daily News | December 15, 2005

The Office of the Secretary of Defense late Tuesday evening issued a sweeping budget decision proposing to adopt an Air Force move to cut tens of thousands of personnel and enact Army plans to reduce the growth of its active-duty ranks and implement Army National Guard cuts, according to Pentagon officials.

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