Jason Sherman

Jason Sherman is a reporter for Inside Defense. For more than two decades -- including stints with Defense News and Armed Forces Journal -- he has covered the Pentagon, defense industry, the military budget, weapon system acquisition and defense policy formulation as well as reporting on technology, business, and global arms trade. Jason has traveled to more than 40 countries, studied medieval history at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and lives in Brooklyn.

Archived Articles
Daily News | August 5, 2024

Congress is signaling interest in an industry-funded technology project that promises the ability to arm warships with Army guided-missile interceptors, as well as the potential for land-based versions of Aegis launchers to fire the most advanced version of the Patriot missile for its integrated air and missile defense and sea control missions.

Daily News | August 2, 2024

Congress is directing an investigation into whether the Pentagon broke the law by repurposing the Homeland Defense Radar-Hawaii for use on Guam, the latest twist in an ongoing battle of wills -- and funding -- between the executive and legislative branches over the sensor project.

The Insider | July 31, 2024

The U.S. government awarded a $2 billion contract to Raytheon today on behalf of Poland for the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor, a major component of Warsaw's plan to invest $15 billion into integrated air and missile defense capabilities.

Daily News | July 31, 2024

The new Joint Program Office in support of the Guam Defense System is hamstrung by a lack of funding, relying on a "coalition of the willing" and eight staff members to execute one of the U.S. military's most pressing engineering and software challenges while waiting for lawmakers to approve funding to hire staff and tackle the project in earnest.

Daily News | July 30, 2024

The Army and Air Force are aiming this fall to jointly identify investments needed to provide air base air defense -- a source of friction between the two services for most of the last seven decades -- once analytical teams complete ongoing studies that aim to recommend how best to defend against highly complex threats.

Daily News | July 29, 2024

The U.S. military has committed to more than $45 billion in offensive hypersonic strike capabilities, excluding likely procurement for cruise-missile variants of new ultrafast maneuvering weapons, according to a congressional audit of the new technology portfolio that provides a first picture of total planned acquisition costs.

Daily News | July 26, 2024

The U.S. military executed a contract potentially worth $2 billion for an unspecified number of Standard Missile-3 Block IIA interceptors, a deal that rolls up orders for the Missile Defense Agency and Japan for the most advanced -- and most expensive -- variant of the Aegis guided missile system.

Daily News | July 25, 2024

The latest preview of the B-52 Commercial Engine Replacement Program indicates the project will carry a nearly $13 billion price tag when the Air Force this fall establishes a formal cost and schedule for the effort to extend the service life of the Cold War-era bombers by giving the fleet a new power plant.

Daily News | July 24, 2024

Pentagon efforts to rapidly field a 360-degree, air-and-missile defense system to Guam are hampered by an "apparent lack of progress . . . to effectively integrate" nearly two-dozen components that comprise a hybrid architecture of new and existing technologies, according to lawmakers who want a more nimble acquisition effort for the project.

Daily News | July 23, 2024

Congress, which in a fit of emotion nearly a decade ago terminated the U.S. military's main dirigible project that looked deep over the horizon to detect cruise missiles, is once again interested in the potential of airships and aerostats to help defend against not only cruise missiles but also ballistic and hypersonic threats as well as drones.

Daily News | July 19, 2024

Lawmakers have directed the Army to prepare an assessment of how its current long-range cannon capabilities -- specifically those assigned to armor and Stryker organizations -- would theoretically fare in a conflict such as the Russia-Ukraine fight in the wake of the service's decision to terminate the Extended Range Cannon Artillery program.

Daily News | July 18, 2024

The Pentagon's top auditor is commencing a review of the U.S. military's ability to counter hypersonic weapons, an effort that comes five years into the Defense Department's concerted effort to bolster hypersonic capabilities with disproportionate investments in offensive strike.

Daily News | July 12, 2024

Draft legislation would authorize the Defense Department to spearhead efforts to cooperate with Jordan on air and missile defense capabilities, a move that comes after the Hashemite Kingdom in April defended its airspace against Iranian threats launched toward Israel.

Daily News | July 10, 2024

Draft legislation would require the Pentagon to develop a "comprehensive" integrated architecture to defend the United States against all missile types -- ballistic, cruise and hypersonic -- and assign an official responsibility for identifying the collection of radar, command and control and guided missiles or non-kinetic systems.

Daily News | July 9, 2024

The Navy's MQ-25 Stingray needs an immediate $50 million cash infusion to prop up early engineering and manufacturing development efforts, a 22% increase compared to service plans for the Boeing-led project to deliver a first-ever operational uncrewed aircraft to the aircraft carrier fleet.

The Insider | July 9, 2024

The Pentagon is seeking congressional permission to shift $3.3 billion among budget accounts to launch a handful of new-start projects, including additional funding needed for the Air Force's Collaborative Combat Aircraft program, Army accounts to buy ship-sinking missiles needed for its Mid-Range Capability program and a new Mobile-Long Range Precision Strike Missile.

Daily News | July 3, 2024

The Defense Department has scrapped plans to launch the Homeland Defense Over the Horizon Radar program this fiscal year, postponing the projected start to at least fiscal year 2026, delaying plans to improve long-range sensor coverage of the United States and Canada from aircraft, cruise missiles, maneuvering hypersonic weapons and ships.

Daily News | July 2, 2024

The Pentagon is seeking congressional permission to shift $3.3 billion among budget accounts to launch a handful of new-start projects, including additional funding needed for the Air Force's Collaborative Combat Aircraft program, Army accounts to buy ship-sinking missiles needed for its Mid-Range Capability program and a new Mobile-Long Range Precision Strike Missile.

Daily News | July 1, 2024

The U.S. military conducted a successful test flight of a hypersonic missile -- a significant milestone in the Defense Department's 16-year project to develop a conventionally armed, ultra-fast glide body designed for precision strike -- giving Pentagon leaders renewed confidence in a new weapon system slated for fielding in 2025 by the Army and Navy.

Daily News | June 28, 2024

The Army today announced it awarded Lockheed Martin a potential $4.5 billion contract for the latest-generation, hit-to-kill Patriot interceptors -- establishing options to buy 25% more Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Enhancement Segment interceptors under a three-year, multiyear procurement package than previously disclosed.

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