Jason Sherman

Jason Sherman is a reporter for Inside Defense. For more than two decades -- including stints with Defense News and Armed Forces Journal -- he has covered the Pentagon, defense industry, the military budget, weapon system acquisition and defense policy formulation as well as reporting on technology, business, and global arms trade. Jason has traveled to more than 40 countries, studied medieval history at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and lives in Brooklyn.

Archived Articles
Daily News | December 20, 2023

The Pentagon is wrapping a veil of secrecy around the substance of an upcoming Defense Science Board summer study, marking as classified particular areas of focus that will be explored as part of the influential advisory panel's marquee 2024 investigation, an effort that typically culminates in August and often shapes future weapon system investment plans.

Daily News | December 19, 2023

The Defense Department is considering earlier-than-planned design selections for the Next Generation Interceptor and Glide Phase Interceptor to free up funds needed to finance fiscal year 2025 shortfalls caused by GOP-mandated debt ceiling negotiations that trimmed the Biden administration's FY-25 military spending forecast.

Daily News | December 15, 2023

A proposal to dramatically expand in law the national missile defense policy -- with a provision proposed in the House version of the fiscal year 2024 defense authorization bill the Biden administration warned would be destabilizing, unaffordable and undoable -- was rolled back in the final version of the legislation.

Daily News | December 14, 2023

Lawmakers have more than doubled authorized spending for hypersonic defense in fiscal year 2024, fully funding the Missile Defense Agency's off-budget wish to add $225 million to the Pentagon's $208 million formal request and directing an accelerated development and fielding plan for the Glide Phase Interceptor.

Daily News | December 13, 2023

The potential for space-based missile defense capabilities -- including orbiting interceptors -- will get another serious assessment in 2024, more than 40 years after President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative and nearly six years after the Pentagon last explored the matter, this time at Congress' direction.

Daily News | December 12, 2023

The Defense Department plans next month to conduct the second of two major technical reviews for the Next Generation Interceptor competition, assessing Northrop Grumman's design and select components for a homeland defense guided-missile prototype after completing a similar review in October of the same for Lockheed Martin.

Daily News | December 11, 2023

A new variant of the Ground-based Interceptor successfully stopped an intermediate-range ballistic missile today over the Pacific Ocean using a booster that utilized only two of three available rocket stages -- demonstrating the ability to release the kill vehicle earlier, significantly expanding both the engagement area and time available to counter inbound threats.

The Insider | December 11, 2023

The Defense Department plans to conduct a test of the homeland ballistic missile defense system today, launching a Ground-based Interceptor from Vandenberg Space Force Base, CA this morning.

Daily News | December 8, 2023

The conflicts in Ukraine and Israel have ushered in a new "era of missile-centric warfare" and elevated the importance of missile defense systems, demonstrating in real-world events capabilities previously relegated to intelligence forecasts and baked into key policy documents, including the 2022 National Defense Strategy, according to a senior Pentagon official.

Daily News | December 7, 2023

Aegis Ashore Poland -- a key component of the Obama administration's 2009 initiative to defend U.S. deployed forces and NATO allies in Europe from Iranian ballistic missile threats -- will drag itself over the finish line next week after five years of construction delays when the Navy formally adds the land-based system to its inventory.

Daily News | December 6, 2023

SIMI VALLEY, CA -- Any extension of a stopgap spending measure beyond early February would be "pretty calamitous" for the Army, triggering immediate consequences that include delaying weapon system acquisition milestones, delaying production-ramp decisions and cancelling training, according to a senior service official.

The Insider | December 6, 2023

After more than four months without a three-star officer at the helm, the Missile Defense Agency today has a full-fledged leader after Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) abandoned his quixotic quest to change Pentagon health services for woman and the Senate confirmed Air Force Lt. Gen. Heath Collins' promotion.

Daily News | December 5, 2023

SIMI VALLEY, CA -- The Defense Department's fiscal year 2025 budget request will -- at best -- squeeze investment accounts compared to Pentagon plans earlier this year as a result of the June debt-limit deal demanded by House Republicans, forcing what DOD's top weapons buyer calls "difficult choices" about where to trim planned spending.

Daily News | December 4, 2023

SIMI VALLEY, CA -- The Defense Department is readying plans to integrate a 2024 advanced technology experimentation exercise with similar Australian efforts down under after both nations this fall exchanged observers at key events, according to the Pentagon's top technology development official.

Daily News | December 3, 2023

SIMI VALLEY, CA -- The Defense Department -- after 18 months of problems with both the two-stage missile and the ground launcher for the U.S. military's premier long-range hypersonic strike weapon -- has determined the original development path is no longer viable and remedial work on both elements of the Army's Dark Eagle program is now necessary. (UPDATED)

Daily News | December 2, 2023

SIMI VALLEY, CA -- The first fruits of the Defense Department's high-profile Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve -- nearly two years in the making -- are at risk of stalling out due to budget uncertainty, potentially slowing delivery to combatant commanders of new capabilities recently validated through experimentation earlier this year as having warfighting utility.

Daily News | December 2, 2023

SIMI VALLEY, CA -- Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin addressed the 10th gathering of the Reagan National Defense Forum by calling on Congress to provide fiscal year 2024 funding certainty in an address that did not outline any new initiatives or policy objectives but focused on the unique role of the United States leadership in the world.

Daily News | November 30, 2023

The Army is exploring an Extended-Range Soft-Recoil cannon on a Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles truck to test the limits and capabilities of 155mm artillery fired from a highly mobile platform and commissioned a full-scale demonstrator as part of determining how best to replace towed systems now vulnerable to counterbattery fire.

Daily News | November 28, 2023

The Defense Department is reaching for a next-generation microelectronics advancement that promises order-of-magnitude improvements for radar, communications and electronic warfare systems by using diamonds to reduce heat in transistors, awarding Raytheon an applied research contract to demonstrate the efficacy of such novel cooling technology.

Daily News | November 20, 2023

A Pentagon advisory board commissioned to assess secure electronic processing has completed its work but is not disclosing recommendations on how to address the U.S. military's conundrum of relying on microprocessors produced by a global supply chain that allows adversaries to corrupt technologies, launch malicious code and steal weapon system blueprints.

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