Until the Army reaches its goals for increased time at home between deployments, the service does not have the flexibility to respond quickly to an unexpected large-scale contingency, the chief of staff said today.
Until the Army reaches its goals for increased time at home between deployments, the service does not have the flexibility to respond quickly to an unexpected large-scale contingency, the chief of staff said today.
To support today's wars, specifically operations in Afghanistan, the Pentagon urges sending more rotary-wing aircraft to theater, according to a draft version of the Quadrennial Defense Review.
A new movie takes a close look at the Human Terrain System -- a Pentagon program that sends social scientists, former military personnel and reservists to combat zones to work alongside American troops.
As one of its top priorities for 2010, the Army plans to reform the process it uses to develop requirements for future capabilities, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey said this morning.
The Army has notified Congress it is terminating the Class IV unmanned aircraft system program and two variants of the Multifunction Utility/Logistics and Equipment unmanned ground vehicle program -- both developed as part of Future Combat Systems, according to documents and sources.
Today's rapid pace of change limits the Army's ability to look into the future and predict what it will need, a dynamic that is reshaping how the service develops and procures weapons systems, according to a senior Army official.
The Army has awarded Northrop Grumman a $610 million contract to build the Integrated Battle Command System, completing the competitive phase for the program, according to Army and industry sources.
The Army's Aerial Common Sensor program has officially been terminated and replaced by the Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System, which is expected to more quickly deliver a fixed-wing, multi-sensor capability, according to a report accompanying the fiscal year 2010 defense appropriations conference bill.
The Army is recommending terminating its Black Hawk UH-60M upgrade program, a $2.4 billion effort to improve the service's helicopter fleet, once developmental testing is complete, according to a senior service aviation official.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters traveling with him to Afghanistan yesterday that President Obama's decision to send an additional 30,000 troops to the country will not lead to shorter dwell times for the Army or the Marines.
Army Maj. Gen. Robert Caslen has been nominated for a third star and a new assignment as commanding general of the Army's Combined Arms Center at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, a place often referred to as the "intellectual center of the Army."
The Army is nearing the release date for its revised Capstone Concept, a document that has received a lot of attention over the last few months.
The Army has decided to boost its French language skills so that it is better equipped to operate in Africa and other parts of the world, according to Col. James Stockmoe, director for operations and plans in the Army's intelligence office (G-2).
Government Accountability Office auditors recently told lawmakers they believe the Defense Department lacks contingency plans for the drawdown of forces from Iraq, as they would be required by U.S. military doctrine, InsideDefense.com has learned.
An insufficient number of contract oversight personnel and a lack of visibility over the inventory of some equipment are just two of the challenges that may impede the Defense Department's ability to meet drawdown deadlines agreed upon by the United States and Iraq, the Government Accountability Office said today.
The United States faces limitations in Afghanistan that go far beyond the number of U.S. combat troops on the ground, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told reporters today.
Pressure on the Defense Department's budget, coupled with the urgent needs of war, may force the Army to reduce funding to the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program, according to a senior service official.
Nearing the end of a 35-year Army career, Lt. Gen. Stephen Speakes, deputy chief of staff for programs (G-8), met with reporters today and discussed the lessons of the Future Combat Systems program, his concerns about Army personnel and the service's current and future challenges.
Senior Army officials met this afternoon to discuss the service's revised strategy for its network, a fundamental part of the service's modernization effort.
The Army Requirements Oversight Council has approved the initial capabilities document for its ground combat vehicle effort, and the document will be sent to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council this week for final approval, according to senior service officials.