Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson announced today the No. 1 concern in naval aviation is pilots suffering from physiological episodes.
Lee Hudson was Inside the Navy's managing editor until June 2018. She has covered Navy and Marine Corps issues since 2011, reporting at the Pentagon, Capitol Hill, aboard ships and military facilities around the U.S. Previously she worked as a staff reporter at The Daily Review in Morgan City, LA, covering local government and crime. Lee graduated with a B.A. in Mass Communication and Marketing from Loyola University New Orleans.
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson announced today the No. 1 concern in naval aviation is pilots suffering from physiological episodes.
A Wisconsin senator is urging the president to include funding for three Littoral Combat Ships in his fiscal year 2018 budget request.
The Pentagon plans to purchase another F-35B ground article for durability testing because the current equipment is no longer considered production representative, according to the F-35 joint program office.
Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy.
The F-35 Joint Program Office recently announced Marine Corps F-35B short-takeoff-and-vertical-landing jets will participate in the Air Force's Red Flag exercise this summer.
The Marine Corps will reprogram funds to innovate and get new technologies to the fleet quickly so it can maintain an edge on the enemy, according to a senior official.
The Navy announced today the first aircraft carrier able to accommodate the F-35C, the Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), is underway for sea trials following completion of a refueling complex overhaul.
The Navy plans to hold an industry day to discuss the "contemplated acquisition strategy" for the cruiser and dock landing ship phased modernization program, according to a recently issued special notice.
MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON, CA -- The Marine Corps is ramping up its next-generation amphibious vehicle testing as the two vendors continue to deliver prototypes.
The Air Force used European Reassurance Initiative money to partly fund the first-ever Joint Strike Fighter training deployment to the region.
The Navy recently directed Boeing to provide a time line for when the company can retrofit the T-45C Goshawk with a liquid oxygen system, Inside the Navy has learned.
Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy.
An influential House lawmaker is concerned about the lack of funding for ship maintenance in the fiscal year 2017 budget agreement.
MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON, CA -- The next advanced naval technology exercise for the Navy and Marine Corps, held possibly in the fall, will focus on operating in an urban environment, according to a Marine Corps official.
MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON, CA -- Over 10 days ending April 28, the Navy and Marine Corps conducted an advanced technology exercise looking at various ways to get combat troops ashore using cutting-edge technologies.
The new fiscal year 2017 spending agreement provides funding for many of the shipbuilding priorities under the Navy's accelerated fleet plan, but falls short on the service's request for additional aircraft.
The Pentagon on April 28 announced it was awarding Lockheed Martin a $1.37 billion advance acquisition contract for 130 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft.
Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy.
John Garner, former Marine Corps program manager for advanced amphibious assault, has been selected to the senior executive service and named as the new program executive officer for land systems.
MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON, CA -- Facing tighter budgets and an ongoing continuing resolution, the Marine Corps is looking to reprogram funding and use prototyping to stretch their dollars, according to Navy and Marine Corps officials.