Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy.
Key Issues OCX ACV fielding 'Single-sensing grid'
Lee Hudson was Inside the Navy's managing editor until June 2018. She has covered Navy and Marine Corps issues since 2011, reporting at the Pentagon, Capitol Hill, aboard ships and military facilities around the U.S. Previously she worked as a staff reporter at The Daily Review in Morgan City, LA, covering local government and crime. Lee graduated with a B.A. in Mass Communication and Marketing from Loyola University New Orleans.
Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy.
Rear Adm. Mat Winter will be assigned as Joint Strike Fighter deputy director, according to a flag officer announcement.
The Marine Corps' top aviation official has ordered a one-day pause for all non-deployed squadrons after two recent F/A-18C Hornet crashes.
The United Kingdom signaled its support for nuclear deterrence programs during a recent parliamentary debate and vote after announcing its exit from the European Union in June.
The Navy is looking to use 3-D printed parts on any V-22 Osprey aircraft after a successful first-flight demonstration.
The Navy recently released another draft request for proposals for P-8A Poseidon aircraft airframe and engine depot maintenance after hosting an industry day for the effort in February.
The Navy recently identified an anomaly in the fifth Mobile User Objective System satellite and determined the Lockheed Martin-built spacecraft experienced a propulsion system failure during a transfer maneuver in late June.
Naval Air Systems Command, similar to other organizations within the Defense Department, is "not a fan" of lowest-price technically acceptable contracts because the structure does not offer flexibility, according to a Navy official.
The attack submarine Illinois (SSN-786) recently completed alpha sea trials for the boat's first voyage in the open ocean.
Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy.
The Navy could make a decision on a 25 percent management headquarters reduction as soon as late August, according to an information paper obtained by Inside Defense.
The Navy will begin the third and final phase of Joint Strike Fighter aircraft carrier taking off and landing tests aboard the George Washington (CVN-73) in August.
Naval Sea Systems Command will host an industry day in early August for vertical launch payloads that will help the service to understand the integration of the systems on submarines, according to a special notice.
The Navy recently released a request for information and hosted an industry day for the second phase of the multibillion-dollar Next Generation Jammer, the service's next step in airborne electronic attack.
Some must-reads from this week's edition of Inside the Navy.
The Marine Corps hopes to modify its performance specification for transparent armor over the next three to four months as the service's first wave of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles are in reset at depots across the country.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller is calling for congressional action on acquisition contract protest reform by merging the system's two tribunals to streamline the process.
The future Littoral Combat Ship Detroit (LCS-7) recently concluded its Navy acceptance trial after completing a series of in-port and underway demonstrations for the service's Board of Inspection and Survey.
The U.S. Navy recently tested Aegis Weapon System interoperability with the Spanish Navy in the first-ever test of Aegis Baseline 9.C1 with a foreign ship.
Rear Adm. William Galinis officially became the program executive officer for ships during a July 20 ceremony at Washington Navy Yard.