As Northrop Grumman works to bring the Global Hawk to parity with Lockheed's U-2 Dragon Lady, a next-generation sensor slated for testing this year could promise greater agility and persistence for the unmanned aircraft.
Leigh Giangreco covered unmanned air vehicles, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, munitions and the nuclear enterprise until June 2016. Previously, she has reported for the Delmarva Media Group, USA Today, The Washington Examiner and The Durango Herald.
As Northrop Grumman works to bring the Global Hawk to parity with Lockheed's U-2 Dragon Lady, a next-generation sensor slated for testing this year could promise greater agility and persistence for the unmanned aircraft.
The Air Force Scientific Advisory Board kicked off its 2016 studies during its Jan. 19 winter meeting, and its fast-track study on directed energy has already garnered insights into the high-powered laser and active denial system's integration onto an AC-130J gunship.
The Air Force is seeking solutions for remotely piloted vehicle sense-and-avoid capabilities across the national, international and military airspace, according to a Jan. 20 sources-sought notice posted on Federal Business Opportunities website.
The Air Force intends to award two sole-source radar technical-maturation and risk-reduction contracts for its Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System recapitalization to Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems and Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems, according to a Jan. 26 Federal Business Opportunities notice.
The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center will host its fourth annual armament industry day this April with a focus on the service's long-term planning activity.
The Air Force is requesting a sixth Missile Procedures Trainer for its intercontinental ballistic missile system to assist its training forces at Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA, according to program managers for ICBM trainer sustainment and acquisition.
The Air Force is eying fiscal year 2017 investments in its high-altitude, unmanned platform transition plan, autonomous vehicle research and development, as well as analysis and targeting, according to the service's deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.
Following a devastating fire to the General Electric Dowty production facility last year, GE Dowty, Lockheed Martin and the Air Force are now on track to meet or exceed their C-130J delivery dates, according to the Air Force.
The Air Force has awarded a sole-source contract to Raytheon for high power electromagnetics technology research and development, which could hold implications for the service's directed-energy programs such as the Counter-electronics High-power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP).
With the threat of air-to-air confrontations on the horizon, the U.S., French and British air forces gathered for an inaugural trilateral exercise this week to improve interoperability with their fourth and fifth generation fighters.
The Air Force's Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System recapitalization program is moving ahead, following the passage of a milestone A review last night.
As the call from foreign partners for additional munitions grows louder, the surging demand is highlighting problems within the Air Force's problematic foreign military sales process and creating urgency for a holistic solution.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's air-recoverable unmanned Gremlins may not end up going home to a C-130 cargo aircraft as originally envisioned, according to the deputy director of the agency's tactical technologies office.
The Air Force is exploring an off-the-shelf aircraft option to rehost its Compass Call capabilities, an Air Force spokesman confirmed to Inside the Air Force this week.
With full-rate production authorized in August, the AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II air-to-air missile program is tracking to meet initial operational capability for the Air Force by the second quarter of fiscal year 2016, according to the missile's program manager.
The Air Force has suspended an effort to reduce its infrastructure footprint by 2020, as its wave of modernization programs take priority in the budget over funding for facility renovations, according to Air Force logistics officials.
The Air Force is seeking innovative techniques that would minimize the time spent gathering data and instead allow more room for analysis, according to a Nov. 12 notice posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website.
As the Air Force attempts to firm up its requirements for the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System recapitalization, the service is battling against the larger Defense Department enterprise on the appropriate platform for the system, according to the Air Force's outgoing acquisition executive.
As conflict rages in U.S. Central Command's theater, the commander of the Pacific Air Forces emphasized this week the service's commitment to Asia with the announcement of its first Red Flag Alaska exercise with India this spring.
The Air Force has released a sources-sought notice on radar risk-reduction work for its Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System recapitalization program.