Former Pentagon acquisition chief John Young has joined the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, the research institute announced today.
Key Issues MADCAP SPY-6 radars Regional Sustainment Framework
Marjorie Censer was Inside Defense's editor until July 2021. She previously worked at the Washington Post and its local business publication Capital Business, covering defense industry reshaping, the increased scrutiny of contractors following the Edward Snowden case and the challenges of canceling military programs. From 2007 to 2010, she was managing editor of Inside the Army. She also previously worked as defense editor at POLITICO and as a staff writer at the Carroll County Times and the Princeton Packet. A Fairfax native, she graduated from Princeton University.
Former Pentagon acquisition chief John Young has joined the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, the research institute announced today.
Following the termination of the Future Combat Systems effort, the Army has the opportunity to benefit from lessons learned in its new brigade combat team modernization initiative, the Government Accountability Office writes in a new report.
Nearly 100 individuals representing more than 50 companies attended a pre-proposal conference in Dearborn, MI, today on the Army's Ground Combat Vehicle.
Maj. Gen. Daniel Bolger has been nominated for a third star and assignment as deputy chief of staff for operations, plans and policy (G-3/5/7), the Army announced today.
The Army and Stryker manufacturer General Dynamics Land Systems are waiting for the Pentagon acquisition executive to sign an acquisition decision that will allow the program to move forward with a "double-v-shaped" hull initiative, a company representative tells Inside the Army.
Malcolm O'Neill was sworn in today as the Army's new acquisition chief, according to Lt. Gen. William Phillips, the military deputy to O'Neill. Phillips appeared at a hearing of the House Armed Services air and land forces subcommittee.
The Army should restart live-fire tests on a "risk-reduction" version of the humvee that offers improved survivability and consider converting existing trucks to the upgraded configuration, according to a new report from the Defense Department inspector general.
The co-chairs of the Senate National Guard Caucus are calling on Defense Secretary Robert Gates to nominate a new Army National Guard director.
The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization will later this month hold "cross briefs," a three-day event meant to provide a chance for "JIEDDO customers and partner nations to participate in an interactive forum focused on countering" IEDs.
Following the release of the Ground Combat Vehicle request for proposals last week, BAE Systems and Northrop Grumman announced today they intend to become partners on the program.
Army Training and Doctrine Command is expected to deliver in June a recommendation for potential modifications to the second capability package -- slated for fielding in fiscal years 2013 and 2014 -- of the service's brigade combat team modernization effort, according to an Army official.
The Army will hold a pre-proposal conference on the Ground Combat Vehicle March 15, according to a notice on the program's Web site.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL -- The Army today released a request for proposals for the Ground Combat Vehicle, the replacement for the terminated Future Combat Systems manned ground vehicles.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL -- As the Army builds its six-year spending plan for fiscal years 2012 through 2017, the service's vice chief of staff is holding a series of thorough capability portfolio reviews that a senior Army official today called "overdue."
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL -- The new Ground Combat Vehicle will not just be "FCS warmed over," the service's vice chief said here today.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL -- The Defense Department has awarded a $138.7 million contract award to Boeing for one low-rate initial production set of the first increment of the Army's brigade combat team modernization effort, according to a congressional notification document.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL -- The military must improve its ability to detect improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan, and the Joint IED Defeat Organization is prepared to take risk to do so, Lt. Gen. Michael Oates, the new JIEDDO director, said today.
The Pentagon has ordered almost 1,500 more Mine Resistant Ambush Protected All-Terrain Vehicles from Oshkosh at a price of $640 million, the company announced today.
The Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System failed to successfully complete all but two of its operational shots during its limited user test, according to a testing document.
The Army's brigade combat team modernization plan serves as a "blueprint" for learning both from past failures and past triumphs, Gen. George Casey writes in a new document.