Nick Wilson

Nick Wilson is a Navy reporter. Before joining Inside Defense in August 2022, he was an intern with Marketplace and a reporter with the Daily Mining Gazette in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He is a graduate of Boston College.

Archived Articles
The Insider | October 5, 2023

The Marine Corps is looking for an artificial intelligence chatbot to complement an existing intelligence system used to collect and process data for battlefield decision making, according to a request for information published Thursday.

Daily News | October 5, 2023

The Marine Corps is preparing to hold an Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle demonstration event later this month, marking the latest action in the service's continuing evaluation of three prototypes in a contest that will determine the maker of the future ARV family of vehicles.

Daily News | October 3, 2023

The Marine Corps has completed a plan to accelerate the fielding of organic precision fires, advancing a priority highlighted in the latest Force Design 2030 update and moving ahead with efforts to rapidly procure vehicle-mounted and man-packable OPF systems.

The Insider | October 2, 2023

The United Kingdom has awarded a contract worth approximately $4.8 billion to three companies for work on SSN-AUKUS -- the future submarine class set to be collaboratively designed and built by the U.K., the United States and Australia under the AUKUS security partnership.

The Insider | September 29, 2023

The Navy has released a draft request for proposals for the future Landing Ship Medium in a Friday notice, making draft system specifications available to select vendors ahead of an official RFP, expected before the end of the calendar year.

Daily News | September 28, 2023

The Navy plans to outfit all of its Independence-class Littoral Combat Ships with the Naval Strike Missile by fiscal year 2026, and all Freedom-variant ships by FY-32, a Navy spokesperson told Inside Defense.

Daily News | September 27, 2023

The Marine Corps is looking for contractors capable of rapidly prototyping a new, long-range precision weapon system to arm its fleet of AH-1Z Viper helicopters and other vertical-takeoff-and-landing aircraft.

Daily News | September 26, 2023

A Defense Department memo details the Pentagon's Replicator implementation mechanism, outlining the structure and process that the internal "Defense Innovation Steering Group" will use to fill pressing operational gaps through 18-month innovation sprints.

The Insider | September 21, 2023

The Senate voted 96-0 to confirm Gen. Eric Smith to become the next Marine Corps commandant, filling the service's top post after Sen. Tommy Tuberville's (R-AL) continuing hold on military nominations left the position vacant for more than two months.

Daily News | September 20, 2023

The United States must loosen its export control system to enable closer collaboration under the AUKUS security partnership, an Australian defense official said today, underscoring "congressional changes" within all three nations as a key step to implementing the agreement's technology-focused second pillar.

Daily News | September 18, 2023

The Navy will conduct the initial technical review of a developing hypersonic weapon system before the end of September, ahead of an official request for proposals expected in the first half of fiscal year 2024, a Navy spokesperson confirmed to Inside Defense.

Daily News | September 15, 2023

The Navy has a backup plan to keep the sea-based leg of the nuclear triad operational if next-generation Columbia-class submarines are not delivered on time -- a plan that would see service-life extensions for selected Ohio-class boats beginning as early as fiscal year 2029.

Daily News | September 13, 2023

The Marine Corps' 5G-enabled "smart" warehouse prototype is preparing for two separate Authority to Operate decisions expected to clear the facility for functional use before the end of calendar year 2023.

Daily News | September 11, 2023

Naval Sea Systems Command will seek industry proposals for the design and construction of the future Landing Ship Medium before the end of calendar year 2023, opening a contract competition for a vessel deemed critical for the Marine Corps' Indo-Pacific operations.

Daily News | September 8, 2023

Construction of the Navy's second Constellation-class frigate, Congress (FFG-63), has been pushed into early fiscal year 2024 -- a delay of at least six months from the April 2023 start date outlined in Navy budget books.

Daily News | September 7, 2023

The AUKUS security partnership presents a massive opportunity for the United States and its industrial base but delivering on the agreement will require quick action in Congress and a "clean and simple" regulatory framework, according to an assessment of pending AUKUS legislation published by a U.S. industry group.

Daily News | September 6, 2023

Senate lawmakers today pressed Defense and State department officials for a plan to boost domestic submarine production and requested an estimate of how much additional funding the U.S. government will need to invest in order to deliver on its commitments under the AUKUS security partnership.

The Insider | August 31, 2023

Defense and State department officials will appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee next week to testify on the AUKUS security partnership, according to an announcement on the committee's website.

Daily News | August 30, 2023

HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding division has received a $154.8 million contract modification for the modernization of the Navy's lead Zumwalt-class destroyer, beginning the integration of the hypersonic Conventional Prompt Strike weapon system onto the ship, according to a Tuesday contract announcement.

Daily News | August 28, 2023

Developing a Joint Fires Network is a top priority for U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, which is working to deliver a prototype system intended to synchronize data sharing and decision-making across the Indo-Pacific area of operations, according to Navy Adm. John Aquilino.

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