The Air Force is willing to consider buying used commercial derivative aircraft for its replacement to the E-4B National Airborne Operations Center, according to a Dec. 18 industry notice.
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Sara Sirota was an associate editor for Inside the Air Force until April 2021. Previously, she reported for The Hill and The Cazenovia Republican. She has a master's degree in security studies from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and a bachelor's degree in political science from Colgate University.
The Air Force is willing to consider buying used commercial derivative aircraft for its replacement to the E-4B National Airborne Operations Center, according to a Dec. 18 industry notice.
The Air Force is ready to integrate artificial intelligence with "attritable" drones and may soon put ARTUµ -- an algorithm that controlled a U-2 Dragon Lady's sensor and navigation systems in flight earlier this week -- inside a Skyborg aircraft, according to service acquisition executive Will Roper.
The Air Force Research Laboratory has demonstrated the Tactical High-Power Operational Responder directed-energy weapon's ability to defend bases from airborne threats during a recent test deployment to Africa, according to the service's chief scientist. (UPDATED)
The Air Force made a significant breakthrough in advancing human-machine teaming Tuesday when an artificial intelligence algorithm operated a U-2 Dragon Lady's sensor and navigation systems during a flight demonstration -- the first time AI has controlled any part of an aircraft in U.S. military history.
A communications gateway prototype successfully facilitated a secure two-way data path across multiple platforms but lost connectivity while integrated with an XQ-58A Valkyrie during the drone’s first semi-autonomous flight alongside F-22 and F-35 fighter jets, the Air Force announced in a press release Monday.
The Air Force has finished a round of record-breaking hypersonic weapons experiments with an air-breathing engine and is planning an initial flight demonstration of the boost-glide Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon later this month.
The Air Force Research Laboratory has successfully demonstrated a small warhead designed to increase the distance high-speed weapons can travel.
Three X-61A Gremlins drones failed to enter the proper position for mid-flight recovery during the program’s latest test, again delaying the long-awaited first demonstration of the signature airborne retrieval system to 2021, according to a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency press release Thursday.
The Air Force released a solicitation Wednesday inviting defense industry companies to apply for a $953 million contract to support more aggressive U.S. air base air defense (ABAD) in Europe and Africa as the service adapts its power projection concepts to operate under a greater threat of attack.
Concern about threats in the electromagnetic spectrum is driving the Pentagon to refine its internal acquisition processes to enable faster development of new weapons and set up operational units to leverage these new capabilities against adversaries in the field, according to several military officials speaking at a Mitchell Institute event Wednesday.
Anduril Industries filed a protest with the Government Accountability Office Nov. 16 challenging the Air Force's narrow selection of companies eligible to bid on a task order supporting the Advanced Battle Management System program, according to a source familiar with the procurement.
The Air Force has chosen Boeing, General Atomics and Kratos to produce unmanned aerial vehicle prototypes to team with manned aircraft during initial Skyborg flight experiments slated to start in July, the service announced in a press release today.
The Air Force estimates its acquisition of a new arming and fuzing assembly for the military's intercontinental ballistic missiles will cost $3.1 billion, about $600 million more than expected, Inside Defense has learned.
The final version of the fiscal year 2021 defense authorization bill significantly ramps up oversight of the Advanced Battle Management System and directs the Air Force to produce a series of cost and planning documents the service has sought to bypass.
The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center is working with General Atomics to enable unmanned aerial vehicles to autonomously detect imagery in captured video to share with ground operators, thereby mitigating the strain on overloaded data transmissions.
The Air Force has again pushed back the solicitation for a capability upgrades contract to modernize its new personnel recovery aircraft -- the HH-60W Combat Rescue Helicopter -- as the program continues to determine its needs.
The Air Force released a notice today stating it will award a prime contract to develop the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent's Mk21A re-entry vehicle no later than the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023 -- slightly earlier than previously anticipated.
The Air Force is looking for suppliers that can provide M-code signal receivers to improve the security and anti-jamming capabilities of the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile’s GPS navigation, according to a request for information released today.
The Air Force has awarded Northrop Grumman a $4.8 billion, 10-year contract for RQ-4 Global Hawk development, modernization, retrofit and sustainment activities, the Defense Department announced Nov. 25.
The Air Force Scientific Advisory Board is scheduled to meet in the coming months and receive briefings on research being performed by the service.