Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) spoke this morning at a conference co-sponsored by the Missile Defense Agency and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
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Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) spoke this morning at a conference co-sponsored by the Missile Defense Agency and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
A program to develop a family of target missiles is running $83 million over cost for the first four long-range targets, the Missile Defense Agency told Congress in late January.
Next Monday the Missile Defense Agency will open its seventh annual conference at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC.
Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair announced this afternoon that Amb. Charles Freeman asked that his selection to be chairman of the National Intelligence Council be withdrawn.
The Army is hoping to mimic the counterinsurgency successes it has had in Iraq in Afghanistan and is looking for a contractor to carry out an extensive information operations program in the country.
In the weeks since President Barack Obama took the oath of office, his administration has been almost solely focused on rescuing the U.S. economy.
If you read USA Today today, you saw two stories that may have looked familiar.
In one of his last acts as director of the Missile Defense Agency last November, Lt. Gen. Trey Obering (now retired) signed out a new testing plan for the agency.
The latest Inside Missile Defense -- which won't be out until next week -- has a story about the ongoing negotiations between the Missile Defense Agency and Boeing, the lead contractor on the agency's huge program to defend the United States against a ballistic missile attack.
The Defense Department announced today it is setting up a new advisory panel to assess the department's ability to support local civil agencies in the event of a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive incident.
The Defense Department today issued its first set of Small Business Innovation Research proposals for fiscal year 2009.
CIA Director Michael Hayden today issued a statement to agency employees explaining how the agency will educate the incoming administration while still supporting the outgoing Bush team -- a primer on how to serve two masters, in essence, that applies to the Pentagon and other government agencies.
A senior Pentagon advisory panel has issued a 66-page report laying out the top five issues the next commander-in-chief must put on his agenda.
Obama senior foreign policy adviser Richard Danzig had breakfast with defense reporters this morning, and he was asked whether Obama would ask America's European allies for more help in Afghanistan.
Defense spending is unlikely to decline in the early years of a Barack Obama administration because existing-national security demands are "very severe" and "very important to our national well being," the Illinois senator's senior foreign policy adviser said today.
The House this afternoon is debating a continuing resolution (CR) spending package to keep the federal government operating into next spring.
The Missile Defense Agency announced late last week that Boeing will be tapped to perform all remaining work on the core elements of the multibillion-dollar Ground-based Midcourse Defense program, a plan the agency adopted after rejecting the option of accepting competitive bids for some portions of the contract.
The House subcommittee that oversees the Navy's shipbuilding programs will once again examine the service's plan for building its next-generation destroyer when it meets with Navy officials at the end of the month.
The Missile Defense Agency wants to continue using research and development dollars through fiscal year 2010 to develop and field select systems, including the Navy's Standard Missile-3 interceptors and the Army's Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missiles, a request that runs counter to legislation Congress passed last year.
The Pentagon's top acquisition official late last month rejected a move by the Joint Staff to have the Missile Defense Agency take a lead role in cruise missile defense.