Thomas Duffy

Archived Articles
Daily News | July 19, 2000

By a vote of 367-58, the House today approved the $288 billion defense appropriations conference package for fiscal year 2001.

Daily News | July 18, 2000

In a message sent to all military commands yesterday, Deputy Defense Secretary Rudy de Leon said the Pentagon will take "all appropriate steps" to resume its full-scale anthrax vaccination program no later than January.

Daily News | July 18, 2000

The United Arab Emirates has selected Lockheed Martin to produce and deliver an F-16 block 60 training system, the company announced today.

Daily News | July 17, 2000

Navy and industry technicians are poring over data from a failed flight test of the Navy's Theater Wide missile defense system that took place on Friday.

Daily News | July 14, 2000

President Clinton yesterday signed into law an $11.2 billion fiscal year 2000 emergency spending measure, but strongly criticized several items in the bill that affect military operations.

Daily News | July 13, 2000

After weeks of contentious parliamentary wrangling, the Senate today voted 97-3 to approve a $309.8 billion defense authorization bill for fiscal year 2001.

Daily News | July 13, 2000

The Pentagon announced today that it is going back to a policy of not requiring anthrax immunization shots for troops who will be in high-risk areas for 30 days or less.

Daily News | July 11, 2000

Defense Secretary William Cohen has decided to essentially shut down the Pentagon's controversial Anthrax Immunization Program because of a lack of new doses and will administer the remaining doses to troops in Korea and Southwest Asia, a senior defense official said today.

Daily News | July 10, 2000

Army officials do not expect to get a clear picture of the strategic lift requirement for the service's future fighting force from an ongoing study of the military's strategic mobility needs due to be published in September, an Army official told reporters today.

Daily News | July 8, 2000

An interceptor failed to destroy a dummy warhead early this morning during a test of the Pentagon's multibillion-dollar National Missile Defense system high over the Pacific Ocean because of a communications problem between the rocket booster and kill vehicle.

Daily News | July 6, 2000

Defense Secretary William Cohen is expected to make a decision over the weekend about the future of the Pentagon's controversial Anthrax vaccination program after being briefed by program officials on several options for restructuring the vaccine process, Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley said today.

Daily News | July 6, 2000

Rear Adm. Rodney Rempt, the new assistant chief of naval operations for missile defense, will continue in his duties as deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for theater combat systems, a job that includes missile defense issues, a Navy spokeswoman told

Daily News | July 3, 2000

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) has attached an amendment to a Senate defense spending bill that requires the Pentagon to use countermeasures, including decoys, in any future tests of the National Missile Defense system.

Daily News | June 30, 2000

The Navy announced today it is creating a new office to head up all aspects of its missile defense programs.

Daily News | June 30, 2000

The Navy announced yesterday it has awarded Orbital Sciences Corp. a $34 million contract to develop an anti-ship supersonic sea-skimming target.

Daily News | June 30, 2000

The Senate has approved an $11.2 billion fiscal year 2000 emergency supplemental spending package that contains $6.4 billion to cover the military's costs in Kosovo, rising fuel prices, and to shore up some defense health benefit problems.

Daily News | June 29, 2000

The House Armed Services Committee yesterday approved several measures aimed at tightening security at the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons labs, which have been rocked with security scandals over the past year.

Daily News | June 29, 2000

The Navy announced this afternoon that it successfully tested the missile that will form the heart of the service's Area missile defense system, designed to protect ports, coastal airfields and troops moving ashore.

Daily News | June 29, 2000

Lockheed Martin announced today it has won an $11.5 million contract to improve combat systems on the Navy's mine countermeasures and minehunter coastal vessels.

Daily News | June 28, 2000

Despite the potential for security problems, the Pentagon's top acquisition official told a congressional panel today that the United States and Russia may be able to share pieces of their National Missile Defense designs and then build a different system to suit each country's needs.

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