Thomas Duffy

Archived Articles
Daily News | June 27, 2000

The Army has chosen Leo Burnett Worldwide Ltd. to steer a new recruiting advertising campaign that will more aggressively target the African-American and Latino communities, Army Secretary Louis Caldera announced today.

Daily News | June 26, 2000

Last month Naval aviation officials publicly announced the service's newest tactical aircraft, the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, had cleared its final operational testing hurdle and was ready for fleet introduction. But the Super Hornet will have to clear one more obstacle before it begins the next chapter in naval aviation history -- an assessment of its effect on the environment.

Daily News | June 23, 2000

The Navy announced today that it achieved a second successful flight test of its Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile, which is being developed to improve the service's ability to defeat air defense systems.

Daily News | June 22, 2000

During a meeting of NATO's Permanent Joint Council next Wednesday, Russian military representatives will brief NATO officials on a missile defense proposal put forth by Russian President Vladimir Putin, NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson told reporters this morning.

Daily News | June 22, 2000

NATO Secretary Gen. Lord George Robertson told several senior U.S. senators yesterday that he believes member nations are "turning a corner" on defense spending and recognize the need to create a better balanced alliance to meet future threats.

Daily News | June 20, 2000

Snowed under by an ever-increasing number of logistics information systems, the Marine Corps has issued a new logistics information technology policy that is intended to create an original technical architecture that will reduce the number of systems needed and the cost to maintain those systems.

Daily News | June 16, 2000

The Navy announced today that the United Kingdom will be the first foreign partner in the development of the service's Cooperative Engagement Capability, a sensor-netting system designed to greatly improve naval air and missile defenses.

Daily News | June 15, 2000

The Air Force is the only service that will see its procurement budget rise in the 2001-2005 future years defense plan over the 2000 plan, according to a new analysis by the General Accounting Office.

Daily News | June 15, 2000

A software problem connected with the Standard Missile 2 forced Navy officials to scrub a test of the Area missile defense program scheduled for this morning at White Sands Missile range, NM, according to a Navy spokeswoman.

Daily News | June 15, 2000

U.S. defense officials have asked their Russian counterparts to add ballistic missile threat analysis and a Russian boost-phase interceptor concept to a list of topics for discussion at a June 25-26 meeting, Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said today.

Daily News | June 15, 2000

The Navy today announced it has signed a $9 billion multiyear contract with Boeing for full-rate production of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircraft.

Daily News | June 14, 2000

The Senate yesterday included language in its fiscal year 2001 defense appropriations bill that adds $23 million to the Air Force budget for the development of an air-launched cruise missile that can fly beyond 1,000 miles.

Daily News | June 13, 2000

The Navy's testing command yesterday approved fixes to the ground station element of a Marine Corps tactical reconnaissance pod and is recommending the program be cleared for fleet use, according to a Marine Corps official.

Daily News | June 8, 2000

The United States and its allied partners need to develop new strategic thinking for conflicts in the post-Cold War world that rejects the notion that conflicts will lead to nuclear war and relies on the most decisive use of force used as quickly as possible, former NATO Supreme Commander Gen. Wesley Clark said today.

Daily News | June 7, 2000

In a report delivered yesterday to the Senate Appropriations Committee, the General Accounting Office said the Defense Department needs to draw up a uniform method of determining the costs of overseas contingency operations.

Daily News | June 6, 2000

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been named chairman of a congressionally mandated commission that will examine the management and organization of national security space programs, the House Armed Services Committee announced yesterday.

Daily News | June 5, 2000

A congressionally formed commission on terrorist threats to the United States is recommending giving the Defense Department lead agency status, possibly with law enforcement powers, for responding to a terrorist attack that results in thousands of casualties.

Daily News | May 30, 2000

A senior Pentagon official has told House and Senate lawmakers an ongoing study of the utility of sea-based national missile defenses confirms an earlier analysis showing no technical reasons why the Navy could not assume a major role in NMD.

Daily News | May 25, 2000

A Marine Corps judge advocate general's team investigating the causes of an April 8 V-22 Osprey crash today requested a 30-day extension to the 45-day deadline it has been operating under, a Marine Corps spokeswoman told

Daily News | May 25, 2000

Stepping forward to support the Army's plan to transition from a heavy, mechanized Cold War force to a lighter, quicker one and ensure it stays on track in succeeding budgets, House lawmakers today approved legislation designed to prohibit the use of dollars budgeted for the plan for other Army programs.

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