Thomas Duffy

Archived Articles
Daily News | February 24, 2000

The Clinton administration will send an additional 200 civil police officers to Kosovo as part of a United Nations police force, Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said today.

Daily News | February 24, 2000

NATO officials are expected to decide tomorrow whether they will shorten by two-thirds the deployment schedule for two additional strategic reserve battalions in Kosovo, a force that includes Marines from the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit based on the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said today.

Daily News | February 23, 2000

Former Director of Central Intelligence John Deutch told the agency's inspector general that he intentionally created secret files on unclassified computers to prevent other CIA officials from gaining access to them through the agency's computer network, according to an unclassified version of a CIA IG report into Deutch's improper handling of classified information.

Daily News | February 23, 2000

Gen. Wesley Clark, the supreme allied commander in Europe, has asked NATO officials for three additional battalions from NATO's strategic reserve force in Kosovo to quell clashes in the town of Kosovska Mitrovica, a senior Defense Department official said today.

Daily News | February 22, 2000

The Defense Department will make no force level or deployment changes to U.S. military forces stationed in the Western Pacific following China's warning that it will use force against Taiwan if the island's leaders continue to stall on reunification talks, a Pentagon spokesman said today.

Daily News | February 22, 2000

Behind its high-profile public relations campaign for "a few good men," the Marine Corps is waging a feverish battle to keep young Marines in uniform.

Daily News | February 22, 2000

The Defense Department announced today its plans to spend $27 million this fiscal year to correct an imbalance in base housing allowance payments.

Daily News | February 18, 2000

NATO allies have serious reservations about the United States' pursuit of a National Missile Defense system, Gen. Wesley Clark, commander-in-chief of U.S. European Command, told a House committee yesterday.

Daily News | February 17, 2000

Despite specific benchmarks set by the Clinton administration for withdrawing U.S. troops from the Balkans, those troops can be expected to remain in the region until Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic is removed from power, the commander of all U.S. Forces in Europe told a congressional committee today.

Daily News | February 17, 2000

The Pentagon has two separate teams examining a stack of Defense Department-related documents the CIA found on the home computer of former CIA Director John Deutch.

Daily News | February 16, 2000

The State Department today gave formal notice that it was suspending the arms import licenses of two Czechoslovakian companies, two Czech citizens, and a Kazakhstani citizen.

Daily News | February 16, 2000

The Pentagon's top missile defense official told a congressional committee today that despite a failed intercept test last month, his agency is still on schedule for a June review of whether to deploy a system designed to protect the United States from ballistic missile attack.

Daily News | February 15, 2000

The Navy's top aviation official said today the F/A-18E/F, the heart of naval aviation for the next decade, has passed its operational evaluation tests and is ready to be delivered to the fleet.

Daily News | February 15, 2000

House Budget Committee Chairman John Kasich (R-OH) issued a report today that portrays the Defense Department as wallowing in unchecked financial mismanagement totaling billions of dollars each year.

Daily News | February 14, 2000

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Jones and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mike Ryan told a House committee last week they may have to ask Congress to approve higher end-strength numbers to meet growing demands on operational forces.

Daily News | February 14, 2000

The Pentagon's top weapons testing official has told Congress the Defense Department is shortchanging its spending on test and evaluation programs and faces the prospect that it will not be able to develop all of the technologies needed to fight in the 21st century.

Daily News | February 10, 2000

Following three days of computer hacker attacks on some of the largest e-commerce Internet sites, the Defense Department is checking the hard drive on every one of its computers to make sure they were not unwittingly used during the attacks.

Daily News | February 9, 2000

Sen. John Warner (R-VA), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said yesterday he would block the approval of the Clinton administration's $2 billion supplemental request unless the administration provides Congress detailed information on allied contributions to the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.

Daily News | February 8, 2000

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Warner (R-VA) said today he wants the military, within 10 years, to replace one-third of its tactical aircraft and ground combat vehicles with unmanned systems.

Daily News | February 7, 2000

Defense Department officials expect to have in a few days information from the CIA inspector general's office that may result in the termination of the industrial security clearance for former CIA Director John Deutch, Defense Secretary William Cohen said today.

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