Thomas Duffy

Archived Articles
Daily News | June 19, 2013

The Pentagon's top weapons tester told a Senate subcommittee this morning that without more money and time to complete F-35 Joint Strike Fighter development tests, the services might be unable to deliver airplanes with the full military capability needed for operational testing in 2018.

The Insider | June 12, 2013

The Defense Department is reaching out to the private sector and to any "experts and interested parties" in its pursuit of detecting counterfeit parts in the military supply chain.

The Insider | February 6, 2013

The Senate Armed Services Committee announced this morning that it will hold a hearing on the effects of sequestration and a yearlong continuing resolution on the Defense Department.

The Insider | November 13, 2012

During a briefing today on the Defense Department's newest acquisition reform plan, called Better Buying Power 2.0, the Pentagon's top acquisition official addressed the gloomy prospects of an additional $500 billion in cuts via the sequestration trigger.

The Insider | November 12, 2012

Last week the Defense Department issued an instruction that puts in place a policy to protect the department's warfighting mission capabilities from vulnerabilities in a system's design -- or sabotage or subversion.

Daily News | October 23, 2012

Congress has approved the Defense Department's request to shift slightly more than $109 million into the Navy's fiscal year 2012 budget to support three unmanned air systems programs that are operating in Afghanistan.

The Insider | September 17, 2012

Ever since North Korea tested the two-stage Taepo Dong 2 ballistic missile in 1996, the country has been held up by the Bush and Obama administrations as a significant potential threat to the United States.

Daily News | September 14, 2012

The organizational culture of the Missile Defense Agency is still rooted in the early days of the Reagan-era Strategic Defense Initiative, when virtually every idea was considered as MDA worked on an impenetrable shield against a Soviet ballistic missile attack, and that approach is keeping the agency from becoming an efficient and cost-effective technology developer, according to a new report from the National Academy of Sciences.

The Insider | July 27, 2012

The Obama administration generally agrees with a new Senate cybersecurity bill, taking issue only with its call for a new interagency group and warning against any amendments to the bill that would weaken critical infrastructure measures, according to a statement of administration policy issued by the White House.

The Insider | July 17, 2012

Pentagon press secretary George Little today got more questions regarding sequestration and its possible effects on the defense budget during a scheduled news conference.

The Insider | June 5, 2012

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has long enjoyed the "maverick" label used to describe his tendency to go his own way. He has also been called a few other names by fellow members of the Senate for his penchant for revealing how that chamber makes its sausage.

The Insider | May 22, 2012

The Senate Armed Services readiness subcommittee this morning strongly rejected the Obama administration's request for another round of military base closings in fiscal year 2013. Subcommittee Chairwoman Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said the Pentagon has not convinced her that another BRAC round is needed.

The Insider | May 15, 2012

The Senate Armed Services Committee announced this afternoon that it was able to form a quorum and favorably reported out the following civilian Defense Department nominations.

The Insider | April 25, 2012

When the Obama administration sent its fiscal year 2010 defense budget request to Congress three years ago, it did not include money to continue development of the Airborne Laser program, citing costs, technological problems and a concern for the system's long-term operational role.

The Insider | April 24, 2012

Frank Kendall, the Pentagon's top acquisition official, issued a memo last Thursday that updates the Defense Department's major automated information system oversight list.

The Insider | April 16, 2012

The Defense Department would have to begin planning by mid to late summer for the possibility that the sequestration trigger to last year's congressional budget plan may kick in if Congress and the White House cannot reach a deal to avoid it, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey told reporters during a press briefing today.

The Insider | April 16, 2012

The Defense Venture Catalyst Initiative (DeVenCi) will hold a workshop in California in July or August to meet with companies interested in working with the Pentagon to discover emerging technologies for the Navy and Marine Corps.

The Insider | April 3, 2012

The Defense Science Board has been asked to study the issue of contractor logistics support of contingency operations.

The Insider | March 27, 2012

In roughly one month the Army plans to issue two separate reports on its modular force transformation; one fulfilling a statutory requirement for 2012 and the other updating its 2011 report released in September, according to a Government Accountability Office report issued yesterday.

Daily News | February 29, 2012

The Missile Defense Agency has told Congress it can put eight additional interceptors in the ground in Alaska by 2015 if directed to do so, bringing to 38 the total number of interceptors that would be available to a combatant commander, an agency spokesman told

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