Army Maj. Gen. Robert Caslen has been nominated for a third star and a new assignment as commanding general of the Army's Combined Arms Center at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, a place often referred to as the "intellectual center of the Army."
He'll be replacing Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, now the commander of the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan as well as the commanding general of the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan. Before Caldwell, Gen. David Petraeus, now commander of U.S. Central Command, held the position. He used his time at CAC to revamp the service's counterinsurgency doctrine, introducing field manual 3-24. Under Caldwell, the center unveiled another influential field manual, FM 3-07, on stability operations.
Caslen is serving as commanding general of the 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, HI. This time last year, he took charge of Multi-National Division-North in Iraq.
A graduate of the United States Military Academy, Caslen previously served within the Joint Staff Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate (J-5) as the deputy director for the war on terrorism, according to an on-line bio.
The Senate is required to approve his promotion and third star.