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The Army Aviation Center of Excellence is hosting industry days in July to showcase its capabilities and future modernization efforts, according to a May 10 service notice.
The first industry day, held on July 20, will include a classified plenary session on scenario planning and force structure concepts at the Army Aviation Maneuver Battle Lab. Army Aviation concepts, experiments and analysis will be shared during this session. A second plenary session on July 22 will consist of a different topic, according to the notice.
Participants must obtain a security clearance validated by the Defense Information Security System to attend the classified sessions.
"On Wednesday morning, July 21, Army senior leaders welcome Army Aviation Industry days participants with overarching requirements and scene setter presentations on Army Aviation readiness and signature modernization activities," according to the notice. "On Wednesday afternoon, Aviation Capability Development and Integration Directorate (CDID) directors will provide joint updates and presentations on future concepts of operation, key enabling technologies and programs."
The CDID director and Army program manager briefings will continue the next morning and are unclassified. Product/capability booths and static displays of equipment and aircraft prototypes are "highly encouraged" during the industry days, the notice states.
The industry days are planned to be held at Ft. Rucker, AL, but the notice says the Aviation Center of Excellence is currently observing COVID guidelines and is awaiting a "GO/NO GO decision" expected no later than May 20.