The Army is asking industry to comment on a "partial draft" request for proposals for the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle program ahead of the full RFP release now expected in late March, according to a recent notice.
The draft, released Jan. 31 and arriving about a month later than expected, sticks to the original target of awarding up to two EMD contracts during the second quarter of fiscal year 2020.
Each contractor at that time will deliver 14 pre-production vehicles, as well as two ballistic hulls and turrets.
The service's accelerated acquisition approach, using rapid prototyping authority under Section 804, allows the program to enter at the engineering and manufacturing development phase and avoid a two- to three-year technical development phase, the notice states.
Service officials say the current time line leaves no room for error as it aims to field the first quantities of the OMFV in FY-26.