The Army will rotate two brigade combat teams and a combat aviation brigade into Europe to replace units that have deployed there to support U.S. allies amid the war in Ukraine, the service announced today.
“These deployments are a one-for-one unit replacement which leaves our overall force posture in the region unchanged,” the announcement stated. “The units being replaced will return to their home station.”
The 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division will replace the 82 Airborne Division’s 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, according to the announcement. A 500-soldier headquarters complement from the 101st Airborne will also replace the 82nd Airborne’s headquarters on the continent.
The 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division will replace the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, according to the announcement.
The 1st Armored Division’s combat aviation brigade will replace the 1st Cavalry Division’s brigade, to support Operation Atlantic Resolve, according to the announcement.
Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said May 12 that the cost of the deployments could grow, and more supplemental funding could be necessary, if the war in Ukraine continues.
“The supplementals . . . have been very helpful in terms of allowing us to fund the operations,” Wormuth told the House Armed Services Committee. “This conflict could be protracted -- it doesn’t appear that Putin is changing his objectives. So I think that we have to prepared to expect that this conflict may go on, and the costs, would then continue as well.”