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During his roundtable discussion with reporters yesterday, Pentagon acquisition chief John Young announced he had made several new changes to the Defense Department acquisition directorate's "Strategic Goals Implementation Plan."
Inside the Pentagon reported in June on the progress of some of those goals, among them defining the so-called "desirable attributes" of the defense industrial base and the methodology to assess industry progress toward developing these attributes, a DOD official told ITP at the time.
Yesterday, Young told reporters that he had "sent a note and an updated version that we're about to issue” to Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England “that said we believe we've completed on the order of 169 ((of the goals in the plan)), and we discussed this at an off-site in September, and at that off-site we added something like 240 new metrics, and that's what the new version will put out there -- the ones that we have remain((ing)) to do and the fact that we have new ones."