While the Pentagon has not formally announced when it will release full details of its fiscal year 2013 budget request, the most likely date is clear: Monday, Feb. 6. The Senate Armed Services Committee this morning announced Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will testify on Feb. 7 on the FY-13 budget request. Such hearings traditionally follow the public presentation of the Pentagon's budget, often held the day before. In keeping with tradition, the top two DOD officials appear first before the congressional defense authorization committees, alternating each year between the Senate and House.
In breaking with tradition, the Pentagon's No. 2 uniform officer said yesterday that the Defense Department on Jan. 26 plans to reveal some key components of the FY-13 budget request -- a highly anticipated event that is expected to set forth major changes in spending priorities, including adjustments to program investment plans.