Chief information officer leaving Pentagon this month

By Georgina DiNardo / June 6, 2024 at 12:23 PM

John Sherman, the Defense Department's chief information officer, intends to leave his job at the end of the month, according to an announcement by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Sherman will be departing DOD to be the next dean of the Bush School of Government and Public service at Texas A&M University.

“Mr. Sherman has been a steadfast advisor and an innovative leader who has helped the Department adopt and utilize modern information technology to keep our country safe,” Austin said in a statement. “His technical expertise has proven invaluable in tackling a variety of digital challenges. His focus on mission readiness has ensured that each of the Services is equipped with both the capabilities and the digital workforce necessary for modern warfighting.”

Sherman served as CIO for the past two and a half years, during which Austin said Sherman helped restructure DOD’s cybersecurity approach.

“Today we are better positioned to take advantage of technological developments and respond to digital threats,” Austin said. “And we're working with our international partners to set the global rules and standards for responsible cyber practices for generations to come.”