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The National War College has a new commandant -- Rear Adm. Douglas McAneny.
The War College is one of five within the National Defense University.
From an NDU release:
During the ceremony, VADM Anne E. Rondeau, USN, President of the National Defense University, praised RADM McAneny, calling him a "man who loves the world of ideas" and a "leader who wants to be in the classroom." . . .
Rear Admiral McAneny is a 1978 graduate of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Naval Reserve Officers Training Unit with a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in civil engineering, and holds a Master of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Oklahoma.
His early sea tours included assignments as division officer, USS Trepang (SSN-674); USS Tunny (SSN-682); executive officer, USS Drum (SSN-677); and officer-in-charge of Moored Training Ship (MTS-635).
McAneny’s first command assignment was as Commanding Officer of USS Philadelphia (SSN-690). During his command, the ship was awarded three consecutive Battle “E” Awards.
Tours ashore include assignments as flag lieutenant, Commander Submarine Group 2; a Joint tour at the U.S. Strategic Command serving as plans and policy directorate (J5); assistant to the Director for Training, Personnel and Policy matters for the Director Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NAVSEA 08); Commander, Submarine Squadron 11 with additional duties as Commander, Submarine Force U.S. Pacific Fleet representative West Coast; as executive assistant and senior Naval aide to the Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet headquartered in Pearl Harbor and deputy director for Politico-Military Affairs (Europe/NATO/Russia/Africa)(J5) on the Joint Staff in Washington.