The Navy will hold an upcoming industry day via teleconference rather than at a Washington venue in response to escalating public concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, according to a service notice.
The April 8 event is focused on a cable ship replacement program, T-ARC(X), and a new general-purpose oceanographic survey vessel, T-AGS(X).
"Event will be teleconference only. Details will be provided to registered participants. There will not be an in-person brief due to current public health concerns," according to the March 23 notice.
Regarding the oceanographic survey vessel, the Navy plans to focus discussions with industry on four areas: hull forms, autonomous underwater vehicles, unmanned underwater vehicles manufacturing, launch and retrieval, and sensors/underwater surveillance.
"The primary objectives of the T-AGS(X) panel is for [the program office] to inform industry of the anticipated acquisition schedule for its new class of oceanographic survey vessels and for industry to inform the Navy of potential alternatives and technological advancements while requirements are being developed and shaped," according to the notice.
The second half of the event will focus on the acquisition schedule, contract and technical requirements for the T-ARC(X), a program to replace the Navy's sole cable ship, USNS Zeus (T-ARC-7.)
"The new T-ARC(X) ship will be outfitted with modern cable handling equipment, including plows and [remotely operated vehicles]. The ship will be equipped with a variety of hull-mounted sonar systems to support both its primary and secondary missions. T-ARC(X) will also incorporate a moonpool," according to the notice.