
By John Liang / June 1, 2011 at 3:13 PM

With every passing week, pieces of soon-to-be-defunct U.S. Joint Forces Command are peeled off and folded into other parts of the Defense Department. Today it was JFCOM's Joint Capability Development Directorate (J8), which is moving over to the Joint Staff and becoming the "Deputy Director for Command and Control, Communications and Computers (DDC4)," according to a command statement. Further:

The DDC4 is responsible for overseeing the Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems (C4)/Cyber Functional Capabilities Board (FCB), overseeing assessments and evaluation efforts to facilitate and integrate C4 initiatives, advising the chairman and director on C4 capability development and integration, and supporting the integration of approved C4 capability needs across DoD decision support processes.

"The DDC4 will continue to identify short-and long-term joint, multinational and interagency capability gaps and work with other combatant commands, the services, coalition partners and agencies to provide integrated capabilities," said Stuart Whitehead, acting deputy director for command and control, communications and computers (DDC4).

The DDC4 is comprised of three assistant deputy directorates to include C4/Cyber FCB, Net-Centric and Command and Control. The DDC4 is distributed between the Pentagon, Norfolk and Suffolk Va. and Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.