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The Pentagon, through the experimental event series Thunderstorm 24-3, is searching for innovative solutions on robotic partners and human-machine interfaces that can excel in various operational conditions.
The Thunderstorm event series, coordinated through the innovation and modernization office within the under secretary of defense for research and engineering, focuses on discovering new technologies and supplying industry, academia and government organizations with feedback on their innovative solutions to accelerate the technology-maturation process.
Each Thunderstorm event highlights a different aspect of emerging technology the Pentagon is looking to further develop.
“Thunderstorm 24-3 focuses on innovative solutions for robotic partners and human-machine interfaces (HMI),” a request for information posted yesterday said. “Robotics and HMI solutions are critical in DOD operations because they enhance warfighter capabilities in challenging environments and across multiple mission spaces.”
The Defense Department said it was searching for these capabilities as robotics can help lower the risk to humans and HMI capabilities can “reduce operator workload.”
“Applicable across all domains, robotics and HMI technologies provide a technological advantage in unpredictable operational conditions,” the notice said.
The application deadline for solutions is May 15 and Thunderstorm 24-3 is scheduled to occur on Sept. 16-20 near College Station, TX.
Meanwhile, Thunderstorm 24-2, which focuses on persistent sensors innovative capabilities, will take place in June.