Inside the Navy highlights

By Lee Hudson / October 17, 2016 at 10:25 AM

Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy:

1. Marine Corps Systems Command will be reorganized by the end of fiscal year 2017 to better serve the Marine Air-Ground Task Force.

Full Story: Marine Corps Systems Command undergoing reorganization

2. At the end of the month both the Marine Corps commandant and the chief of naval operations will sign off on a concept focused on littoral operations in a contested environment.

Full Story: Senior leaders will sign off at the end of the month on littoral ops concept

3. The Navy has transferred the sponsorship of its next-generation mine countermeasures systems being developed for the Littoral Combat Ship to the service's expeditionary warfare office.

Full Story: Navy transfers sponsorship of LCS mine countermeasures systems to N95