Inside the Navy highlights

By Lee Hudson / December 5, 2016 at 10:39 AM

Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy:

1. The Pentagon will be a couple of months late flight testing a design fix for the Navy's version of the Joint Strike Fighter, a fix that strengthens the wing to support the weight of the AIM-9X air-to-air missile.

Full Story: Pentagon will begin test of F-35C design fix a couple of months late

2. Navy leaders have formally approved the creation of a new group organized to oversee the service's mine warfare initiatives, including development of the problem-plagued Littoral Combat Ship mine countermeasures mission package.

Full Story: Navy leadership signs out charter for mine warfare council

3. The Navy is in the early stages of determining if a block buy is a feasible approach to affordably execute cruiser modernization availabilities.

Full Story: Navy is evaluating if a block buy is a feasible approach for cruiser mods

4. One of the final compromises made during the fiscal year 2017 defense policy bill conference was allotting $85 million in advance procurement funding so that the Navy can maintain a two-per-year build rate of Virginia-class submarines, according to an influential lawmaker.

Full story: Rep. Courtney: Sub funding deal made during final days of defense policy conference