Some must-reads from this week's issue of Inside the Navy:
1. The Office of Management and Budget will publish a budget "errata" that adds a second Littoral Combat Ship to the fiscal year 2018 budget request.
Full Story: OMB will publish budget 'errata' that adds second LCS in FY-18 request
2. The Navy and the F-35 joint program office plan to conduct an at-sea test for the Joint Strike Fighter carrier variant in September, assessing fixes for the helmet's green-glow problems and catapult ride quality.
Full Story: Navy, F-35 JPO to test green-glow, catapult ride quality at sea this summer
3. The Navy seeks to fully fund aviation and ship operations and maintenance, but put President Trump's campaign promise to grow the fleet on the backburner in its fiscal year 2018 budget request.
Full Story: Navy fully funds maintenance, puts shipbuilding on backburner