Key Issues MADCAP SPY-6 radars Regional Sustainment Framework
This Friday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on the possibility of setting up another combatant command, Sikorsky losing its Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft contract protest and more.
A new combatant command could be in the offing:
DOD debates possibilities for new Joint Futures Command; Milley lends horsepower
Inside the Pentagon, a small team of experts is preparing to brief Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on options for addressing the future of warfare amid rapid technological change, which could lead to the creation of a new “Joint Futures Command.”
Sikorsky has lost its protest of a multibillion-dollar, next-generation helicopter contract:
GAO denies Sikorsky's protest of Army's FLRAA decision
The Government Accountability Office has denied Sikorsky's protest of the Army's decision to award the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft to competitor Bell, clearing a hurdle for the multibillion-dollar program to move forward.
Lockheed Martin will increasing the number of Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles and Long-Range Anti-Ship Missiles the company produces:
DOD increasing JASSM and LRASM production quantities
The Defense Department is increasing the production quantities of Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles and Long-Range Anti-Ship Missiles, which will cover JASSM production Lots 22-26 and LRASM Lots 9-12 for quantities up to 5,010 in various configurations and variants, according to a government notice.
Many of the Navy's platforms were not designed with sustainment in mind, according to senior service officials:
Navy faces uphill battle curtailing maintenance delays, service officials say
NATIONAL HARBOR, MD -- Service officials gathered this week at the Navy League's annual Sea-Air-Space conference to chronicle their efforts expediting submarine and surface ship repairs and recapitalizing aging public infrastructure -- presenting a snapshot of measured progress with an uphill battle ahead.
The Space Force's Rapid Capabilities Office has a new component:
Space Force stands up rapid resilient command and control office
The Space Force stood up a Combined Program Office in February for its Rapid Resilient Command And Control effort, according to a request for information on the program posted last week.
The Air Force is looking into adding money to programs funded under Middle Tier Acquisition authorities:
Air Force assessing funding shortfalls for MTA programs
The Air Force is assessing options to address funding shortfalls for Middle Tier Acquisition programs, according to service budget documents.
A Pentagon legislative proposal submitted to Congress would decrease the number of Navy carrier wings required to nine until additional carriers can support a 10th air wing:
Navy seeks to clip carrier wing mandate to nine
The Navy once again is asking Congress to remove the Title 10 requirement for standing up a 10th carrier air wing (CVW) by Oct. 1, 2025.