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Today's INSIDER starts the week off with a look at how the Navy tries to balance technology development and speed of fielding, the Pentagon pulling the curtain around information that had been public, the Navy's LCS program, and a new review on space surveillance.
The Navy is working its way through introducing new technologies to the fleet:
Navy's integration approach balancing speed and capability
When the Navy was testing the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter's ability to take off and land on amphibious assault ships, the service discovered a significant -- and costly -- list of problems.
The Army is putting money behind its cross-functional teams:
G-8: CFTs, modernization priorities to see major funding gains in FY-20
The Army's fiscal year 2019 budget submission includes some funding to support the work of the cross-functional teams pursuing modernization priorities, but more meaningful gains are slated for FY-20, according to the service's deputy chief of staff (G-8).
The Defense Department has decided to classify missile defense tests notifications:
Pentagon now classifying once-public test report on BMDS operational effectiveness
The Pentagon's top weapons tester -- citing operational security concerns -- has drawn the curtain on a key public report that characterizes the operational effectiveness, suitability and survivability of the Ballistic Missile Defense System, a $165 billion project to defend against North Korean and Iranian threats.
Two members of Congress are upset with the Navy:
Navy did not notify Congress of EA-18G physiological episode
The Navy never notified Congress of the most recent physiological episode where a pilot and crew member were exposed to freezing temperatures and were forced to land their EA-18G Growler using a smart watch.
A Navy official told Congress the LCS build plan supports the industrial base:
Navy acquisition executive: FY-19 LCS request will not 'threaten' frigate competition
Despite push back from Congress and industry, the Navy does not believe the fiscal year 2019 budget request, which calls for only one Littoral Combat Ship, will "threaten" the future frigate competition, according to the Navy's top acquisition official.
A new review of space capabilities is in the offing:
Air Force-MDA conducting review to produce 'fully integrated' FY-20 space surveillance plan
The Air Force and Missile Defense Agency are conducting a joint review of space capabilities with plans to provide the Office of the Secretary of Defense a coordinated fiscal year 2020 spending request that reflects agreed upon priorities of requirements and programs, according to a senior military officer.