Key Issues OCX ACV fielding 'Single-sensing grid'
This Tuesday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on upcoming multinational procurement deals, the Pentagon's Replicator implementation mechanism and more.
The Defense Department's top acquisition official spoke today during a moderated discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies:
LaPlante: 'Production diplomacy' is coming via new deals with U.S. allies
Pentagon acquisition chief Bill LaPlante, fresh from a meeting last week with NATO's top armaments directors, said defense contractors should expect the United States to soon announce more multinational procurement deals -- involving co-development, co-production and co-sustainment -- with its closest allies, including Ukraine.
Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks recently sent a memo on the Defense Innovation Steering Group:
Pentagon memo details Replicator implementation process
A Defense Department memo details the Pentagon's Replicator implementation mechanism, outlining the structure and process that the internal "Defense Innovation Steering Group" will use to fill pressing operational gaps through 18-month innovation sprints.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has handed control of a weather satellite over to the Space Force:
Space Force accepts second weather satellite to monitor Indian Ocean
The Space Force has accepted the transfer of a second weather satellite that will provide regional coverage over the Indian Ocean for the U.S. military until 2030, the service announced Sept. 22.
U.S. officials recently discussed the Pentagon's new cyber strategy with their Chinese counterparts:
U.S., Chinese defense officials huddle to discuss cyber issues
The Pentagon said Friday that U.S. and Chinese defense officials had a meeting to discuss the recently released 2023 Cyber Strategy.
Keep an eye out in the next few months for the Space Force's command and control software acquisition strategy:
Space Force to submit final Space C2 acquisition strategy in next three months
Sometime in the next three months, the Space Force will submit a final software acquisition strategy for its command and control effort to Pentagon officials for review, according to a service spokeswoman.