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Two organizations that were under U.S. Joint Forces Command's umbrella have found new homes, according to the soon-to-be-defunct command.
The Joint Enabling Capabilities Command was reassigned from JFCOM to U.S. Transportation Command. According to JFCOM:
The JECC will retain the Joint Communications Support Element (JCSE), the Joint Public Affairs Support Element (JPASE) and the Joint Deployable Team (JDT) as subordinate organizations.
"The JECC is pleased to be a part of the USTRANSCOM team and we will continue our mission of providing joint enabling capabilities on short-notice to joint force commanders worldwide," said U.S. Navy Rear. Adm. Walter E. Carter, Jr., JECC commander. "The support we currently supply to the joint warfighter will continue without interruption as we are reassigned to USTRANSCOM."
The JECC provides immediate, short-duration support to establish, organize and operate joint force headquarters across the globe and combines capabilities from the six unique functional areas of plans, operations, logistics, information superiority/knowledge management, communications and public affairs.
The JECC will be a subordinate joint command of USTRANSCOM. The JECC headquarters, JDT and JPASE will remain in Hampton Roads, Va., and JCSE will remain at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla.
Additionally, the Joint Warfare Analysis Center has been moved from JFCOM to U.S. Strategic Command. In a separate statement, the command announces:
The JWAC provides comprehensive technical analyses on a wide array of national security challenges and issues to inform and support decision makers engaged in both combat operations and in policy-making sessions at the highest levels of our government.
“Our military and civilian professionals will continue to support the joint force by providing innovative solutions to our nation’s most pressing war fighting problems,” said Marine Corps Col. Michael R. Orr, commander, Joint Warfare Analysis Center.
After transition to USSTRATCOM, JWAC will continue work from its current location in Dahlgren, Va.