The Marine Corps is interested in procuring a commercially available, ground-based, long-range cruise missile system to fill operational capability gaps, according to a recent request for information.
The Marine Corps and its Marine Air Ground Task Force may need a new long-range fires capability to meet current and future operational demands, including supporting sea control and countering seaborne fast-attack vessels, the July 31 notice states.
“Accordingly, the Marine Corps is interested in readily available ground-based, long-range cruise missile systems that can attack land and maritime targets designed to provide precision kinetic fires employing the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) and using its Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS) for fire control,” the notice states.
The service prefers systems that can be integrated into its remotely operated ground unmanned expeditionary (ROGUE) vehicle, the notice continues, and systems that can load Tomahawk missiles without non-organic support and operate alongside other weapon and surveillance systems currently in use.
“A complete system would be composed of fire and weapons control, kinetic launch, and reload and resupply system,” the RFI adds.
The notice asks respondents to provide information on their system’s range, size, weight, launch platform requirements and procurement and sustainment costs. Responses to the RFI are requested by Aug. 12.