This Monday INSIDER Daily Digest has news on the Space Force seeking contractors to build more satellites, the debate over the future of Navy aircraft carriers and more.
The Space Development Agency is seeking contractors to build a bunch of satellites:
SDA releases Tranche 3 solicitation draft, seeks input on optical terminal standard
The Space Development Agency released a draft request for proposals for the next set of Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture low-Earth orbit satellites last week as well as a call for feedback on instating a new standard for optical communications terminals.
Document: SDA's T3TLu draft RFP
Document: SDA's Tranche 3 OCT Standard RFI
Inside Defense recently chatted with the Navy's No. 2 uniformed officer, who spoke candidly about the role of unmanned technology and outlined critical operational challenges that must be addressed before considering alternatives to the service's aircraft carrier fleet:
VCNO welcomes debate over future of aircraft carrier, cites need to think deeply about alternatives
Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. James Kilby pushed back against skepticism about the relevance of aircraft carriers in future warfare, emphasizing the need for pragmatic evaluation over sweeping changes.
A new Defense Department inspector general's report determines "whether Army contracting officials properly managed undefinitized contract actions (UCAs) awarded to assist Ukraine by obligating funds and definitizing actions within the required limits and adjusting profit for costs incurred, or properly waiving the requirements in accordance with Federal and DOD policies":
Audit finds Army mismanaged undefinitized contracts to Ukraine
The Army failed to properly oversee certain contracts for Ukraine aid, causing the Defense Department to take on most of the incurred costs and risk paying even more, a recent Pentagon inspector general audit found.
Document: DOD IG audit of Army's management of UCAs awarded for Ukraine assistance
A DOD official was asked last week if the United States has the energy necessary to support $500 billion worth of new AI and computer infrastructure:
DOD official says U.S. can't power new 'Stargate' AI investment
The United States doesn't have the energy to support the new joint venture proposing investments of up to $500 billion worth of infrastructure tied to artificial intelligence, according to Jeff Waksman of the Defense Department's Strategic Capabilities Office.
The Army recently revealed the existence of Task Force Strategic Integrated Kinetic Effects (STRIKE):
Army's TF STRIKE to test LRHW and MRC's ability to dis-integrate adversary defenses
The Army is looking to begin as soon as 2026 to start coordinated testing of its newest deep strike systems to assess the ability of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon and the Mid-Range Capability to dis-integrate complex defense systems in the opening salvos of a major fight against an adversary such as China.