Key Issues MADCAP SPY-6 radars Regional Sustainment Framework
The Navy is asking for industry’s input on an air vehicle that can accurately deliver a maritime mine.
The service is looking to field the Long-Range Aerial Delivered Maritime Mine “in the shortest practical timeline,” according to a notice released today.
“Combatant commanders require the capability to precisely and accurately emplace maritime mines in contested environments from an extended standoff range,” the notice states. “Existing mine laying aircraft must fly directly over each planned minefield at low altitude and speed to deliver mines, leaving the aircraft vulnerable to adversary air defense systems.”
The vehicle needs to deliver an explosive payload of at least 1,000 lb, according to the service. The minimum distance required for the system’s powered flight is classified.
“The LRADMM system shall at a minimum be capable of launching from U.S. Air Force and Navy aircraft external munition stores stations with internal munitions stores stations as an option,” the notice states.