Key Issues MADCAP SPY-6 radars Regional Sustainment Framework
The Navy intends to expand its partnerships with industry to bolster unmanned aircraft capabilities, with Naval Air Systems Command planning an industry day to present current capabilities in the area, according to a Monday government notice.
NAVAIR is interested in obtaining contractor-owned, contractor-operated intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, and the reliable delivery of sensor data during land-based and ship-based operations. These services “will support domestic and coalition military partners in combat and contingency operations,” according to the notice.
“Contractors would be responsible for providing all resources to produce sensor data including trained personnel, non-developmental UAS equipment, associated certifications, operation and maintenance, spares and product support,” the notice states. “Contracted services would be in direct support of ISR missions requiring around the clock imagery and other sensor capabilities.”
The program office requires ISR services for unmanned aircraft systems have a technology readiness level of eight, an operational range of up to 75 nautical miles, the ability to operate in degraded GPS and adverse weather conditions and have multi-intelligence capabilities such as a full motion video sensor and an electronic warfare type sensor.
The industry day is set for Jan. 8, and the program office plans to release two requests for information shortly after to assess qualified vendors for current and future ISR requirements.