Navy seeks technology to help in subsea and seabed warfare

By Abby Shepherd / August 12, 2024 at 1:51 PM

The Office of Naval Research is seeking information on technology that will assist in subsea and seabed warfare and plans to use this knowledge for technology operational experimentation event (TOEE) 25.2 -- part of a series of experiments that take place in operationally relevant conditions.

Three focus areas for TOEE 25.2 include autonomous undersea navigation and collaborative autonomy, sensors and automated target recognition and command and control tools as well as decision aids for planning and mission coordination, according to a request for information posted today.

“TOEEs is a series of events designed to provide decision-quality information to Naval Research & Development Establishment (ND&RE) leadership informing future Science and Technology (S&T) investments (further development, transition, or divestiture) through live force experimentation executed in operationally relevant scenarios and environments,” today’s notice reads. “Past events have focused on Expeditionary Sustainment, Maritime Reconnaissance and Counter-Reconnaissance, and Small Boat Payloads in support of Littoral Maneuver.”

The Navy is interested in technologies with a technology readiness level of five or greater and that can conduct live experimentation in fiscal year 2025.

After an initial demonstration, successful technologies will be allowed to join in a limited objective experiment, currently scheduled for January to February 2025. If the technology is successful here, it may participate in an advanced capability experiment, which will tentatively take place in September 2025, according to today’s notice.

An industry day will also occur from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CST on Aug. 28 virtually on Microsoft Teams. Responses to today’s RFI are due by Sept. 27.