Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller recently updated his first fragmentary order that includes the creation of a new, three-star billet for information environment operations.
The new deputy commandant position will be established by Dec. 31, 2017, and will align the command, control, communications and computers department, the intelligence sector and portions of Marine Corps Information Operations Command, plans, policies and operations, and combat and development and integration, according to the updated document posted on the service's Medium web page.
Neller also wants the service to develop an implementation plan for the Marine Corps Operating Concept (MOC) and determine its associated costs by June 30.
"The MOC justly asserts in its problem statement that currently the Marine Corps is not optimally organized, trained, equipped, and postured to meet the demands of the evolving operating environment characterized by its complex terrain, technology proliferation, information warfare, battle of signatures, and an increasingly non-permissive maritime domain," Neller wrote. "To address these challenges, the MOC provides an innovative operational approach underpinned by specified tasks, implied tasks, and coordinating instructions to be completed [no later than] 2025."
Another new task calls for the service to have its Rapid Capability Office up and running by Dec. 31.
"We must better identify and leverage advances in unmanned systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial systems, and additive manufacturing to improve our combat capabilities," according to Neller. "It is essential that we accelerate the introduction of new technology to the operating forces and get it into the hands of our junior Marines."