Nuke Dollars

By Jordana Mishory / February 14, 2011 at 4:12 PM

The Pentagon's fiscal year 2012 budget request throws its support behind adding $2.2 billion for National Nuclear Security Administration weapons activities between 2013 and 2016, according to a summary of the request posted on the White House's website.

"These funds will enhance the reliability of the nation's nuclear weapons complex and support the goals of the Nuclear Posture Review as the United States and Russia implement the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)," the summary states.

Senators ratified the New START treaty during December's lame duck session after a long-fought battle.

The budget also calls for funding to sustain nuclear deterrence in order to protect the nation and promote worldwide stability. To do so, the administration wants to "modernize America's nuclear arsenal and the complex that sustains it." This will help to deter nuclear buildup and proliferation.

"This includes specific commitments to maintain continuous at-sea deployments of ballistic missile submarines in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as the ability to surge additional submarines during crises; sustain the Air Force's Minuteman III missile through 2030; and modernize the heavy bomber force so it can serve for the indefinite future," the summary states. "The budget continues the president's global lockdown initiative to secure nuclear materials, detect and deter nuclear testing and smuggling, and support verification and implementation of international nonproliferation treaties."

The administration is requesting a $553 billion base budget -- an increase of $22 billion over FY-10 appropriations. Congress never passed an FY-11 appropriations bill. The summary states that the request reflects investment in priorities including nuclear security.